The Voice Of My Soul
I enjoy writing. It relaxes me. It makes me to take charge to nurture my mind and spirit. Writing, to me, is far better than the burden of thinking and talking. Writing is self discovery. Writing is a way towards achieving my self conviction: I Become What I Think About. The Me I See, The Me I Will Be. My writings are my way to communicate with the Universe. They are my expressions of my inner voice. They are the voices of my soul. Often, they are about little prayers for my development, growth and general well BE-ing. Often, they are meant to raise my spirituality - yes, may the blessings be!. These writings are my conversation with God. These writings are my way to reach out to Him. Do know that this blog, "The Blessed Life" is NOT a religious blog. I am not a strictly religious human being but I have a strong conviction to God. Any resemblances, in the postings here, to actual people and/or events ...