End Of The Road

Dear You , Everything has an end. Everything has a beginning. It is the end of a year and a new beginning is about to happen. It has been one good year where our paths crossed. Where you have made a presence in my life. To teach me with something, to impart me the knowledge about life. Without you, I will not have learned. Without you, I will not have known on the facts, the information and the skills to go through the divine experience of what life encompasses. To this 👆🏻, from a soul to another, "I love you, love you, love you." It has been another year where our experiences bring us to agree and disagree. Where my mistakes have to be owned and where my wrong-doings need to be acknowledged. I am not perfect and so long I am called a human, without doubts, I make mistakes along the way. I may have imposed my presence onto yours. I may have inflicted pains. And, I may have taken advantage. To this 👆...