In The Little Things
Perfect joy is in the little things.
Are we nourishing the little things in our lives? Are we making the little things to spark joy? Are we allowing them to spark the light and letting them, with gratitude, to burst with opportunities?
Or, are we taking all the little things to be unimportant? Are little things too insignificant and they don’t matter? Are they too inconsequential and too trivial?
It is often said we are not to be petty. We are told not to fret over small stuffs. We are frequently reminded to let go of things that are not important, in the grand scheme of life.
Essentially, life is better when we do not let life forces to focus on things that do not hold significant importance. It is good to take the best and trash the rest. While there is meaning to everything, not all things are meant for immediate actions. Do not count the chickens before they are hatched.
That said, does it make us, unconsciously, to be completely ignorant to appreciate in the little things. Life revolves around the Law of Attractions and Vibrations. Evolution makes us to change and change is constant.
Everything there is, here in life, works around this Law. All actions and reactions start from upon a wish, a thought. They are the smallest of seeds that have bigger domino effects. These little things, these little moments, they are not little.
It is in the small piece of the puzzles that completed the bigger picture. It is in the small thing that life grows. The act of a simple smile, a friendly ‘thank you’ or a gentle whisper ‘I love you’ makes a big difference. Even a simple ‘I am sorry’ can heal the badly wounded heart.
These simple acts spark joy which in turn cause further events. The smell of the coffee or the feeling of a weekend morning sleep-in can evoke the greatest amount of joy from life.
When we are to meet a beautiful soul, we should feel blessed. When we are to hear nice things, let they inspire us. When we meet love and feel loved, let the spirit be uplifted.
When we are to face with a problem, turn the negative into positive. When we are down, there are others who are worst. When life gives us lemon, make lemonade.
Everything there is in life is written - the past, present and future. No one bad is ever truly bad. And, no one good is ever truly good.
Every cloud has a silver lining. It is not about the precise number of ups and downs in life but rather how willing are we to navigate between them. The biggest problem, in communication, is we do not listen to understand but we listen to reply.
When we pay attention to the little thing, we are to accept it unconditionally. We accept to accept and we are not to accept to judge and make it complicated.
Life can be happier when we are doing things from the premise of ‘not knowing’. Very often, our intellect minds cloud the way we think. The intellect mind wants to uphold logic, analyzes the consequences that lead us to experience with perceived defeats.
Life is constantly adapting to our environment. To live wisely, to have a good life, we have so much to learn if only we look at things around us. There is always a bigger message in everything that is happening right in front of us.
Nothing is absolute. It is important to let things happen and stay happened. It is part of growth, of learning curve, of life. When we allow things to happen, everything will make perfect sense someday ahead. Eventually, without resistance, all things fall into place.
Everything is to happen for good reason. We need to think positively to continue to survive. We need to embrace faith. We ought to flow, with lesser resistance, on the ways at how life is evolving.
A change in our environment is telling us something. How the wind blows tells a story. A change in nature is a big sign revealing the state of our being.
We cannot become what we want by remaining where we are. We cannot achieve what we want by giving excuses that we will not succeed. We cannot progress when we fill our desires to live with too many what-ifs. Desperation, pessimism and procrastination can be greatest enemies of life.
The more we are to make excuses, for the things that happen in life, the more it shows that we are not taking charge. We must learn to take responsibility for our own choices and actions, for us learn nothing until we take ownership of our lives.
To blame is easy. When we shoot the blame, we feel we get to move on. We feel that we are not going to be the target. We feel free from being judged.
Blame is an excellent defence mechanism. What one forgets, blame has detrimental effects on morale and performance. Blame kills healthy accountable behaviours. It leads to resentment, anger and hatred.
Blaming others will not fix our lives. We blame others for our behaviours, our thoughts and our feelings that are negative. Ironically, we do not blame people for the good things that happen in our lives!
Life, with all the little things, guides us to where we are meant to go, what we are meant to do. The freest person in the world is the one who lives in all the little things with faith and without doubts. He may question but he lives to strive on them. The little things can take up the most room in our hearts.
In all the little things that we face every day shall lead us in the right direction. We live through life only by these little things. The gratitude to all these little things becomes the Wikipedia to guide us to be a good human.