
Showing posts from January, 2015

The Sum Total

Today, as I am saying goodbye to another year, I should spend a little time to do a reflection.  Doing so, I am giving respect for the past.  Only when I know where I've come from that I will know where I am going next.   Hopefully, my reflection can help me to see how everything is connected.  It is to be hoped that it gives me a sense of accountability and purpose.  Trustingly, I will get to understand myself much better. My mind needs to know the importance why I have to reflect.  While it might get me nowhere, it shall be of great significance to give some thoughts on the next stage of my life.  It might not be about finding happiness, it can be about enjoying all that I have. Similarly, it is about gratitude, that I can cherish all the things that took place.  When I can acknowledge every happenings with love, surely there will be time for gladdening my heart for all the experiences. For this reflection, I will ask myself these questions....

Do What Is Good

Whenever there is a nudge to do something good, I should just do it.  I should follow the intuition.  It is the Higher Self prompting me.  It is my Inner Child prodding gently.  It is the angel saying, 'Hey, I am here'.  This is how the Universe works; that unspoken messages are being trusted subtly to influence behaviours and decision makings. When I follow these nudges, there are high chances that good habits are developed.  That, I shall rid any inertia and procrastination.  That, I nurture spontaneous acts to become proactive in life.   Being spontaneous is a good trait to have in life.  It opens any uninhibited manners and builds courage and growth. Nudge is the language of the Universe within me.  It aids me to get closer to hearing my inner voice.  It is designed to initiate and to shape events.  It is a divine energy within that is bursting with information to make things right.  It is the divine flame support...

Behind That Feeling

Every time I see good loving relationships, and those that have been together for decades, I thank God that I can witness them.  They remind me of my parents, and everyone else that I know, about being together.  How those decades of them together, in loving relationship, survive so well till death separates them. It is always a lovely feeling to see long lasting relationships.  I admire their commitments to make things work.  I adore their patience.  I stand in awe at their coping mechanisms.  I respect their willingness to take the time to understand conviction.  I crave for meaning and their harmony. Relationship takes hard work.  It takes two willing individuals striving for the ultimate.  Even if the couples are soulmates, made in heaven, relationship is about two people with different background coming together.   Certainly not an easy task as there will always be differences.  Yet, when a relationship that lasts for deca...

Keeping My Words

My words and my actions need to sync.  They have to have consciousness.  Words and actions are powerful to shape integrity, identity and intention.  When I can keep and honour my words, I shall become the person that my soul can be proud.   My soul needs to feel worthy to guard and protect me. When I say something, others expect me to do it.  So is my Inner Child.  So is my guardian angel.  It is only right that I honour my words.  It is a measurement of my own worth.  It is my commitment that I have to hold and keep.  When I don't, I destroy my own values.   Else, I lose my connection with all these individuals.  Worse, I will develop a reputation for not following through on commitments and be not trustworthy.  When that happens, I am letting everyone down.  Importantly, I distance myself with my soul and the divinity within me. When I say 'Oh, I will call you later', will I do it or conveniently forget about i...