The Sum Total
Today, as I am saying goodbye to another year, I should spend a little time to do a reflection. Doing so, I am giving respect for the past. Only when I know where I've come from that I will know where I am going next.
Hopefully, my reflection can help me to see how everything is connected. It is to be hoped that it gives me a sense of accountability and purpose. Trustingly, I will get to understand myself much better.
My mind needs to know the importance why I have to reflect. While it might get me nowhere, it shall be of great significance to give some thoughts on the next stage of my life. It might not be about finding happiness, it can be about enjoying all that I have.
Similarly, it is about gratitude, that I can cherish all the things that took place. When I can acknowledge every happenings with love, surely there will be time for gladdening my heart for all the experiences.
For this reflection, I will ask myself these questions. It is to add and find the sum total of how my mind is verses the soul that I was created to be. To know where I struggle and to make them right.
As I ponder, I will rate from 1 (the lowest) to 10 (the highest) on:
- Where is my ego?
- How much do I love myself?
- Do I love the ways I live?
- Where is my peace?
- Am I who I want to be?
- Am I living true to myself?
- How much time do I spend with my loved ones?
- For all the accomplishments in my hand, are they enough?
- Where is my state of happiness?
- How often do I reflect?
- How tired am I - Physically, Mentally and Emotionally?
I shall paint myself and all situations with ice blue. As I surrender today, at the end of this year 2020, I shall pray:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".