Do What Is Good

Whenever there is a nudge to do something good, I should just do it.  I should follow the intuition.  It is the Higher Self prompting me.  It is my Inner Child prodding gently.  It is the angel saying, 'Hey, I am here'.  This is how the Universe works; that unspoken messages are being trusted subtly to influence behaviours and decision makings.

When I follow these nudges, there are high chances that good habits are developed.  That, I shall rid any inertia and procrastination.  That, I nurture spontaneous acts to become proactive in life.  

Being spontaneous is a good trait to have in life.  It opens any uninhibited manners and builds courage and growth.

Nudge is the language of the Universe within me.  It aids me to get closer to hearing my inner voice.  It is designed to initiate and to shape events.  It is a divine energy within that is bursting with information to make things right.  It is the divine flame supporting the mind-body towards achieving for something good.

Nudge is a feeling of spiritual hunches, of instinct and insight.  It is the sensory of the Higher Self to let the mind and body to experience beyond its mental physical capacity.  It comes to guide and manifest.

To follow the nudges matters.  When I am nudged to smile, I should smile.  When I am nudged to say 'I love you, I am sorry, Please forgive me and Thank you', I must gladly say it.  

When I am nudged to stay home and not to go out, I should be joyful just to do that.  Any intuitive nudge is always about letting me to be better and gifted for more joyful experiences.  

This is how life works for the better.  While it may start insignificantly, it becomes monumental importance when nudges are followed.  I have to follow these positive intuitive nudges, in good faith, to lead me someplace I have always wanted to go.  To let me become one with what I am meant to be.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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