
Showing posts from November, 2019

All My Departed Ones

Sometimes when I have flashes of my loved ones whom have departed, I get into a repentance mode.  It makes me to pray harder, for them and for myself.  I humbly ask for forgiveness on their behalf and ask that they be cleansed, purified and released to the path of pure light. Their departure reminds me how vulnerable life is.  Their departure is telling me that I have to be in charge of my BEing.  That I have to live right by me and for me. Why do they leave before me?  What are my lessons to be left behind?  When I think that God loves them more, for them to be in a better place, I am happy with that thought.  To be with God is the happiest thing, in my opinion.  It is where the peace of body and mind, and the joy of the soul become one.  It is the ultimate home where all earthly sufferings ceased. Every time the flashes come, the lyrics of a song knock in my head.  'Do you know where you're going to?  Do you like the things that l...

You Are My Teacher

To all the people that know me, please accept my love and gratitude.  I am glad that I get to walk my life with you.  Every minute counts and I am happy I get to learn from each one of you.   Through our interactions, I feel blessed to have acquired life lessons from our shared moments.  These lessons have shaped my life.  They are the gems that build my consciousness. Everything we share is much appreciated.  Yes, the simplest thing is still a good thing.  It is the little details that are vital to make big things happen.  It can be just a smile, a simple 'how are you doing?' or a 'Good Morning' message.  These kind gestures elevate my spirit many folds.  They are priceless. You and I are members of a vast cosmic orchestra.  Your presence, passing through my life, is the living instrument that is essential to my existence.  Your presence helps me to understand on the purpose of life.   In your own uniqueness, yo...

The Need To Be Aware

To be aware is a conscious effort.  It is the consciousness of being sensitive to everything around.  When I can make myself to be aware, I have a direct knowing of what is going on inside and outside of me, moment by moment. But - Is there a need to be aware at all times?  What is the benefit?  What can go wrong when there is no, or little, awareness? Awareness is about appreciation.  It is an active participative humane task towards life.  It is an act of being proactive with the Universe.  Becoming more aware is a conspiracy of love on human existing.  And, it brings humans closer to the source of creation. Awareness is an important quality.  It opens all the senses in the body.  It makes one to understand his/her strengths and weaknesses, personality and motivation.  Awareness deepens the knowledge of love, of peace and of quality humans relations.   I have to develop an insight to heighten my awareness.  To be unaware...

In Search Of Incredible

I am eyeing for the good final prize.  The final prize which is awarded to me at the end of my journey on Mother Earth. I want it to be good, to be something that I can be delighted at.  Of something to elevate my vibrations higher.   To achieve it, I have to encourage and motivate with the right ways to live each day.  I have to make sure the cup of my life is constantly full. But, what is the final prize?  And, what is cup of life?   Final prize is the sum total of all the good things I do for myself.  It is said 'You can't pour from an empty cup'.  This is to tell me I have to take care of myself before I can take care of others.  I need to take care of my emotional, mental, physical and spiritual beings to be filled with love and not to let them be drained and exhausted. When my cup is empty, I lack the love for life.  This feeling will not make me to see the beauty life is to offer.  It will not inspire nor give me the ins...