
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Written Book

All my life is a paper.  Once is plain, pure and white.  The paper is inked the day I start my journey greeting the world.  Slowly, day by day, my story unfolds. At every stage and at every breath, as I become one with my earthly life, that more and more texts are added.  At times, the paper is filled with paints of colours.  At times, I add some music too.   At the end of each day, a chapter is conceived.  Most times, there are different parts of something in the chapter.  Each part fill with smile and pain; with sweetness and sorrow and of love. There are days that these chapters are just one plain sheet.  Other days, when colours and music are mixed, they add to few more. How do I want the chapter to be at the end of each day?  What shall be on my final chapter?  What shall be the title of the book at the end of my life? My thoughts fill the paper.  So are my words, my deeds and my actions.  They build the contents....

It Does Not Matter

When I do not know myself much, how can others say they do?  Likewise, when others do not know themselves in and out, how can I say I know them?  Does being an observer put me in a position to know another person, better and more? Being aware is a good thing but awareness is one tricky thing.  Understanding who I truly am is not hundred percent possible.  Should it be possible, I will no longer have to struggle in pursuing my dreams.  I would have made better decisions, probably no need to work so hard, and should have led much better life. There are many ways I can get to know me.  I could engage myself with personality and behaviour tests.  I can ask the people who think they know me best.  I can go for therapy and self awareness workshops.  Or I keep records of my thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions.  At the end, I can get close in knowing about me but to truly know is a question mark. I am not what I seem to be.  I may be ...

Times Of My Life

What is time?  Is time a reflection of change?   A person may say that life is short.  Such, humans are told to do what is needed to be done and not to waste time.  Then, there is another that finds that time is such a long long road with no sight of an end. Is time all about perception?  Is time an illusion?  Is time measured by experience?   When in good times, it feels that time passes quickly.  On the opposite, a waiting (for example) makes time to drag on.  When a change happens in life, a sense of time is felt.  Change is real but time is? The reality is, time has direction.  It always has the flow and it advances forward.  Time has order creating one thing after another.  Time has duration where there is a quantifiable period between events. The purpose of time is in its appreciation.  Time is the fabric of reality.  How do I want to quantify it?  How can I make the time for a special moment with some...

Everything That's Done In Life

Everything is a gift of the Universe.  A loving person lives in a loving world.  A hostile person lives in a hostile world.  Everyone I meet is simply my mirror.  He or she reflects my belief systems and perceptions back to me. Like the mirror, the outside world throws back at me all my inner beliefs.  When I doubt about myself, the world will seem to doubt me too.  When I lack confidence, the world fails to see it too.  When I think I am an idiot, others will show me that they are right. Rumi says 'Between the mirror and the heart is this single difference: the heart conceals secrets, while the mirror does not!' Everything that is done in life, everything that I see in the mirror is for me to see who I am.  It is made for me to become aware.  It is to liberate me.  I have to take full responsibility and look inward.   Until I start believing in myself, I will continue to receive a reflection through others that is un-supportiv...