Everything That's Done In Life

Everything is a gift of the Universe.  A loving person lives in a loving world.  A hostile person lives in a hostile world.  Everyone I meet is simply my mirror.  He or she reflects my belief systems and perceptions back to me.

Like the mirror, the outside world throws back at me all my inner beliefs.  When I doubt about myself, the world will seem to doubt me too.  When I lack confidence, the world fails to see it too.  When I think I am an idiot, others will show me that they are right.

Rumi says 'Between the mirror and the heart is this single difference: the heart conceals secrets, while the mirror does not!'

Everything that is done in life, everything that I see in the mirror is for me to see who I am.  It is made for me to become aware.  It is to liberate me.  I have to take full responsibility and look inward.  

Until I start believing in myself, I will continue to receive a reflection through others that is un-supportive, resistant and negative.

People's actions and reactions to me can be a powerful indicator of where I am lacking in myself.  Instead of me getting upset and angry with these people, I must take the time to ask myself how I have invited these behaviours in to my life.  These people are placed by the Universe to mirror all of my conscious and unconscious thoughts.

For my outside to change, I have to change what is in me.  I have to start doing everything that I am doing from love.  Love makes the world go round.  I have to love everyone unconditionally, including myself.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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