
Showing posts from July, 2022


To tolerate is a great virtue.  Especially when life is surrounded with many differences, and of all kinds.  Especially when there are so many different choices to choose from.  Especially when humans' ways of lives are defined by their unique different backgrounds, customs, cultures and environments. Tolerance makes life possible for all humans to co-exist peacefully.  It is an act that is required for living with diversity.  It is essential in which humans can lead their lives the way they wish. Being tolerant opens a heart.  It means that I accept other people's opinions and their preferences.  Tolerance also means that I should not put my opinions above others to make myself looks good. Do I have to tolerate?  When I cannot, it shows that I have an internal problem.  What I see in others exist in me too.  When I can resolve that, I shall understand being a human with a heart. Do I have to keep on tolerating?  I have to ask mysel...

For The Love

When I want to do something, want to give something or share something, it has to be done for the love of it.  It should not be done, given or shared for a conditional reason.  And, it must not be.  When it is done, given or shared for love, it awakens the soul and lits the divine flame in the heart to bring peace to the mind. I should not be doing, giving and sharing something out of pity.  Or, out of my needs to be rewarded.  Or, because I want to be seen as the kindest good person.  Or, I am showing off my intellect that I think I know more things. For the love of life, everything is beautiful when things are done, given or shared from the purest of the heart.  Where, for the love, the end result does not matter.  What matters is when the deeds provide a win win for everybody. When I want to do something, give something or share something, I should avoid counting on the cost.  The cost on my efforts or time.  Love should not tire me n...

All The Moments of Life

There is no wasted time in life.  Every moment is relevant.  Every moment is important.  All the moments in our Life are God's Love to make us to become better humans. Every path we cross, in each moment of our lives, brings lessons and purposes.  Some may not be pleasing and might be painful as they happen.  Some might hurt. Good and bad moments are linear experiences.  They have to be unified as one.  They are meant to take place.  They happen for us to re-member back to God.  Knowing that, the greater truth will appear when we are grateful for them to have taken place.  All that we have to do is to fully accept them.   With acceptance, we learn at every experiences.  With acceptance, God will reach out to us and will make all things right by Him.  When it is right by Him, it shall be right by you. Thank you, all dear ones, for making my moments. They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them...

Some Things Are Better Left Alone

Life is always about choices.  And, just because I can make a choice, does not mean I should.  Some things are better left alone.  At times, it is good to do nothing.  Really nothing. When I can turn off all distractions, it allows space for my subconscious to expand.  It allows me to be in the moment and let me be one with my soul.  It is at this stage of doing nothing that gives me to think for a larger sense of purpose.  When I choose to leave things alone, I will be in a state of non interference. To do nothing is a chance to slow down.  To leave things alone is to let the Universe to make things right.  These acts are not about losing in motivation nor to make me to lose hope in life.  These acts are to allow me to surrender.  Surrender is a journey from outer busyness to inner peace. The moment of surrender is not when life is over.  It is when life begins.  Lao Tzu, the Chinese philosopher says 'To the mind that is ...