For The Love
When I want to do something, want to give something or share something, it has to be done for the love of it. It should not be done, given or shared for a conditional reason. And, it must not be. When it is done, given or shared for love, it awakens the soul and lits the divine flame in the heart to bring peace to the mind.
I should not be doing, giving and sharing something out of pity. Or, out of my needs to be rewarded. Or, because I want to be seen as the kindest good person. Or, I am showing off my intellect that I think I know more things.
For the love of life, everything is beautiful when things are done, given or shared from the purest of the heart. Where, for the love, the end result does not matter. What matters is when the deeds provide a win win for everybody.
When I want to do something, give something or share something, I should avoid counting on the cost. The cost on my efforts or time. Love should not tire me nor I feel I will have no more love left for me. With unconditional love, it is limitless and everything is possible.
When I give love, I get love. When I do things for love, whether by good deeds or words of kindness, I will get to change lives, including mine. The Universe works with how I treat others. Any loving deeds done, given or shared for the love of life empowers the nature to love. Getting love back is just the by-product.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.