Everything Is Connected To Everything Else

I need to remind myself not to chase after Heaven, unrealistically, when my works on Earth are not done properly.  I have to make sure that my earthly duties are not neglected.  I need to perform them correctly and satisfactorily and I do them from a good heart.

These earthly duties are my utmost responsibility for they are the yardsticks on my performance as a human, as a soul.   On the same principle,  I should never get too busy making a living that I forget to make a life. 

How I spend my time on Earth is crucial.  It is what I do here that will determine my worth, my usefulness.  It is the sum total of my faith and my take on spirituality.  It has to be carried out with full consciousness in harmony with Heaven and Earth.

Where there is a beginning, there is an end.  Death is not an ‘if’ but ‘when’.  How do I live?  Do I yearn for a beautiful ending at the end of my time on Earth?  Heaven rewards what I do with my life.  What I do today will be rewarded with the same.

I have to be a human.  There is a wisdom in this beautiful quote – ‘Before you call yourself a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or any other theology, learn to be human first’.  When I can learn to be a good human, I shall learn to live a spiritual life.  There is a reason to why I am made a human.  There are insightful lessons that I need to learn.  There is a higher purpose for my existence. 

 As a son, I must be dutiful to my parents.  As a brother, I must be kind to my siblings.  As a partner and a friend, I need to be off good association.  For whatever other labels I am assigned, my soul has to be good.  I need to be the best and as good as a human I can be.  As soul, it will be good that I live in divinity to all types of relationships.

Yes, it is important that I think of Heaven – the ultimate place to be – but I need to learn to live my life to be a good human first.  These earthly duties are my responsibility.  They make what I am.  They shape my destiny.  They play a big determinable and huge permissible effect in the afterlife.

Everything is connected to everything else.  There are merits and demerits in everything.  They are the sum total that will be the value on my fate at Heaven’s Gate.  Everything I do or don’t, feel, say, think and all my earthly intentions are inter connected with everything that is around me.

When I can be kind to myself, I will be kind to my soul.  When I can love my soul, I will not want to hurt myself.  When I am not hurt, I get to do things with love.  When there is love, there will always be time.  Where there is love, everything is possible.  When everything is possible, there will be no more excuses but execution of only good actions.

There has to be balance in life.  Life has to be lived with higher consciousness and a heightened sense of awareness, at all times.  When I can be a good human to live every single day right with unconditional love, hopefully, I live my life right spiritually.  Disagreements on how to live are fine but disrespecting on how to live as a good human is not.

Spirituality rewards itself.  While prayers are a must but they become useless when my attitude – my universal human experience - does not go along and sit well.  I fail religiously should my spiritual life is full of angst and hatred most time. 

 All of God’s creations are made from His love.  It is aimless to think of Heaven and pointless to love God when I go around destroying other human beings.  Normal religious people, normal spiritual persons do not go around doing that.

How can I yearn for Heaven when I live to disregard what God has created?  The longing has to be right.  The works towards it have to make perfect sense.  Every responsibility has to be filled with compassion.  Every task has to be done out of love.  These responsibilities and these tasks cannot and must not be calculated and they are non-negotiable.

I cannot be just another human being, living my life, with errors all the time.  Ironically, the most judgemental people are those who go to church on Sundays.  Sometimes the destroyers of good faith, with most hatred in their hearts, are those who insist to pray five times a day in the mosque.  It is such a quirky idea, where I live in a world that is not perfect, yet imperfection is highly prized.

Life is not about being materially rich.  Life is not about being popular.  Life is not about being highly educated.  Life is not about being perfect.  Life is being real, being humble and being kind.  A little kindness can go a long way.

Sadly, you and I live our lives not noticing the tears of others, not noticing the sadness and their pains but we keep noticing their mistakes.  Sadly, you and I are too engrossed wanting to live life right yet we do not take the time to reflect our own thoughts, our own words.  When I am out with others, I must take charge of my words.  When I am all alone by myself, I must take charge of my thoughts.

What I do as good human is important.  Just like sitting for an examination, a paper has different parts with different score allocations to make the perfect 100 per cent.  I am responsible to make sure I score high on all categories.  It is my job to convince God, not others, that I am worthy of Him, of Life.

A religious person can fail spiritually.  
A spiritual person can fail religiously. 

As an individual, we interpret on our own understanding.  Needless to say, as an individual, there would always be a lost in translation.  As human, you and I have to learn to agree to disagree, disagree to agree.  This is the hard fact of life.

I don’t have to worry about people who do not like me.  It is not my job to make them think of my worth.  Instead, I do what I do to make sure I deserve the ultimate place after my passing, after my translation back to where I come from.  I am, like others, are created absolutely divine.

Everything is connected to everything else.  To look good for Heaven is not only on the surface of my skin.  It is more than that.  It is deeper than my heart, way deeper than my human life.  It is how I live.  It is how I spread the spirituality of God, of divine love.  It is more than being a good human mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.  I have to be the beacon of light despite all the twists and turns life takes.

When I want to be a good human, I must not live by any superstitious beliefs.  Heaven, and so is God, is pure and uncomplicated.  Heaven does not know custom, does not know culture and it is not based on fears of the unknown and faith in magic or luck.   God, I believe, does not create these earthly superstitious beliefs.

These customs, these cultures and the self believed of playing with luck are purely man-made.  Humans complicate the simplest of things.  All the red - white colours, the premeditated good – bad whimsical rituals of luck are rules made by humans.  They are not divine universal beliefs and, therefore, hold no truth. 

In fact, such fascinating oddities divide humanity.  All humans should live to be good; it is the first principle of life.  A person should not live a life, primarily, to make an earthly reputation out from ego.  All humans ought to learn spirituality and live by it in harmony with growth, happiness and well being.

All the good pretty masks that I am putting on to make me look good do not guarantee a place in Heaven.  Ironically, these masks are to hide my ugliness.   They are to fool others.  They are to conceal my insecurities.  They are the desperate acts to be accepted.  Obviously, I forget that I can never fool God.

As a good human, I need to understand the differences.  It is fine to keep the differences - should I must - but I should never let them to be the cause of hatred and differentiation.  To be a good human, sometimes I just have to be done.  Not mad.  Not pretentious.  Not upset.  Just done.

My only limit is my mind.  The older I get, I should choose calmness over drama and distance over disrespect.  I must prioritize my peace, my mental health and happiness over everything.  I must not wait for things to get better.  As is, living as an earthly being will always be complicated and will not be hundred percent perfect.

I need to learn to be happy right now before I run out of time.  My time on Earth is about making things right by me and for me – but, purely and solely, in the name of God.  Everything is connected to everything else.  Should I want a place in Heaven, I have to make Earth my temporary heavenly place where all my good behaviours need to be in place.

Doing so, I manifest myself to be in a good place.  However, manifestation only works when I truly believe in it.  It is a process of spiritual awakening where all actions and reactions have cause and effect.  Good begets good.  Everything will work accordingly.  Everything is connected to everything else.

It is important to live right.  Should I have not heard things with my own ears or see them with my own eyes, I must learn not to invent them with my small mind.  Yes, my intellect will always be limited and I must not think otherwise.  I must not share them with my big mouth.  I must not share them just for the sake of sharing, without knowing its truth.

Behaviour never lies.  It is my behaviour that defines my well being.  It is the road map to what is next for me.  It is a measurable value, other than my faith, to determine my place in Heaven.

With that, may the blessings be to the every little things I am connected with.  May the blessings be to the every other little things conjured there after.

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