The New Breeds Of Humans

This entry is a dedication to one beautiful soul, in particular.  

No, I am not going to talk about the individual - nor am I going to name few others, of the similar breed, whom I had met.  This entry is to highlight on their worldly existence.  From where I am, I should not dismiss their presence but to applaud their appearance.

I like to share on the new breeds of humans.  No, I am not talking about the extra terrestrial lifeforms invading Mother Earth.  I am not talking about aliens.  I am not a science person.  I do not read much about UFOs nor do I have concrete ideas on them either.

But, I want to dedicate this page about a special group of individuals.  They deserve to be talked about.  Their presence, as far as their impact on me, is important.  However, truth be told - I do not have enough knowledge to share about the breeds.  I do not have specific scientific details to describe them.

I can never know on the full existence about life, why God creates such and such.  I can never know why things can be the way they are or why they are not.  What I do know, however, is based on my personal experience interacting with them for the last twenty years or so.  How they have made me to appreciate life, my life.

I see them through the different colour on their auric field.  From the year 1980s onward, psychics have noticed a new primary aura colour in humans - Indigo.  At that same time, it was said that Mother Earth had change its tilt.  There was an angle change and the theory was proven.  I used to think why sunset was never at the same sight from my window back then?

The new breeds of humans have beautiful distinct aura.  The colour is usually bright.  The size is firm and its shape is broader.  Their aura gives me a deep sense of peace looking at them.  There is a euphoric feeling when I interact with it.  Often, I have this weird feeling where I actually met the light of God through them.

In the metaphysical world, this breed of children is called by many terms.  The first was Indigo Children because of their primary aura.  Then, there were others to follow - the Crystal Children and the Rainbow Children.  I have lost touch on such phenomenon and they could be more terms today.  

In not the metaphysical world, the term 'ADHD' has been used to describe many of them.  While it is true that many exhibited ADHD, it would be sad not to understand them fully.  When the term is taken away, usually they become what God wants them to be, to serve their purpose.

Also, at another extreme, the term 'mental health' is associated with them.  While they might show depressive behaviour, very often it is their emotional mind (their psychological mindfulness) that is not been fully understood.  

Very often, they feel others do not fully understand them from the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.  Very often, there is a lack of one understood language to bring the 'two worlds' together.  Very often, it ends with chicken and duck situation.

But do know, while they could be the new breed of humans, they are still human.  They do not have wings, maybe not invisible from our naked eyes.   They are not different from any of us.  They still have strengths and weaknesses.  They still make mistakes.  They are not free from sins.

The difference to their being is whether they are made to know about the light, the aura.  Upon knowing, they are able to connect.  On connection, their light heightens and their works on Earth shall begin.  They will be happier while bringing more insights to many of us.

This breed was told to me when I was walking my life to find meaning before the year 2000.  I did not doubt it.  I was not skeptical of it.  It came into my life at the time where I felt strangeness, yet beautiful, in the behaviours of certain individuals.

I have met handful of these new breeds of humans.  They are perfect in their own ways, yet there could be one or two trait(s) that might be different.  Generally, they are old souls.  They are too matured for their young age.  They see life in different perspective.  While their ideas are pure, they tend to provoke the conservatives, the traditionalists.  The latter finds the new breeds shocking with some felt insulted as their ideas are challenged.

No, these new breeds are not bad people.  They are not negative people.  They are just different, in many good ways.  They speak from the heart and, often, are very direct.  They have certain uniqueness in them, in their auras and their ways of communicating and thinking.  Somehow, there is such a beautiful meditative tone in their voice too.

In my personal experience, to accept them for what they are can be good new learning curves to life.  They are forgiving.  They speak from the heart.  They don't mean to hurt.  Their purpose is always about making things good.

These breeds are free spirited.  They are happier to be left alone.  They are not to be suffocated.  Those suffocated, in my opinion, have made them to become rather recluse.

To understand them is to accept them.  They can be a son, a daughter, a friend but (in reality), they feel they do not belong to anyone except to God.  This is the part where others felt they are indifferent.  This is where most feel these individuals are lonely and not sociable enough.  

Fact is, should we are to understand about divine connection, the ultimate truth being a soul is not between humans.  As humans, we feel we belong to each other and there is a strong obligatory sociological interventions.  Failing it makes the person a rude and irresponsible individual.  

However, in the world of souls, we are independent spirits to work together to build humanity.  This is where equality works at the same level - there is no one above nor anyone below.  A soul does not belong to anyone else but the Creator.

But back to today's posting.  It is a dedication. I am always happy to meet such beautiful souls.  They are my best teachers to teach me to know about myself.  Through them, I see my faults and weaknesses, my earthly needs and my heavenly desires.  Importantly, through them, they enrich my love towards God.

Somehow, this particular one is different.  I get to know this soul in one healing seminar conducted in KL recently.  There are certain signs that made me to relate.  Specifically, it has to do with the birth date.  The date jolted my memory.  The date symbolized the name of my guardian angel, which I connected through one healing session I attended back in the 80s.

(Here's a little write up where I made on another social media platform to honour the soul.)


In the mystical world, I recognize this beautiful soul. In that world, God created many of them with higher purpose. They are in transcendental existence to help humankind.

Unfortunately, many are searching for meanings. Not that they are lost, not they are confused. It is the psychological upbringing that led them to forget to remember.

Humans, in general - should I am allowed to voice out - need to change. We need to evolve with the time. We need to recognize how life is now filled with richness, that sometimes made many of us to be lost in it. The mind, our limited intellect, can't handle the 'too much'. Because, in some culture, too much is a sin.

Yet, such mindset is an irony to life??  It is a struggle with both not enough and the too much.

Old mindset will not bring new results. When we are not going to transform, it may be too late when realization is right in front at us .. at our last breath.

Do it now. Change today. Truth is, later becomes never!

It is good blessing to know these souls. Through them, humans grow. But, of course, it has to do with spiritual acceptance and awareness to let them to help us, help me.

I am thankful to have met these souls. For this particular one, I shall identify the soul as OLLO.

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