Choosing Peace : Why I Chose Peace

Life is a fixed variable but making choices is not.  Thing is, am I capable of making the right choice?  Am I wise enough?  How, when and why do I make the decision?  What would be the guiding consideration?

It is said when a soul chooses peace, there will be sacrifices to undertake.  There shall be a trade in, of sort.  There will be something to lose or something to give up.  It is a choice where the soul does it for the sake of a better cause to move forward, to live a good earthly life and holding on with only love.

When an individual chooses peace, there will be solitude.  There will be a state of being alone.  He will be far off from society.  Thing is, with peace and in the state of aloneness, his soul gets to engage in meaningful self reflection.   Self reflection enables one to move from just experiencing into understanding and empathy. 

Historically, there are many great solitary stories told.  Life transformed greatly when a soul spent time alone.  Life celebrated divine intervention from the silence of the mind, when the mind is not chattering and intellectually occupied.  Life transmuted when nothing matters anymore, when memories are erased and a new piece of blank canvas is presented.

Humans should learn from it.  It is good to yearn for it too.  Humans should not be afraid with being alone.  Humans must learn to live with the art of silence.  Humans need to listen and not to listen to talk.  In silence, God appears.

Peace raises levels of self awareness and higher consciousness.  It helps to expand the emotional intelligence to make one to recognize and understand his emotions, as well as the impact of these emotions on his thoughts and behaviours. 

From a personal experience, when I choose peace, there are goodbyes.  The ‘goodbye’ is a price I have to pay.  It is done not with the intention to hurt others.  It is done not out of hate – hate, in itself, is too strong a word.  It is favourably done to let go, to let God.  It is my surrendering act.  It is a deep longing wish to make things right.

Ironically, there are some humans perceive the ‘goodbye’ to be a selfish calculated act on my part.  Some think I am running away and abandoning courage.  Some feel that I am too sensitive, too egoistical and cowardly not able to face reality.  Some believe I am a bad weak person to quit things easily.

There are some, however, happy with the goodbye.  They believe I deserve to be alone.  They believe I am better off having no one else present, that I should be avoided.

Respectfully, no one should take the ‘goodbye’ personally.  Yes, I may have walked out without any explanation.  Yes, I am contemptibly lacking in the courage to say a word.  It is my bad, indeed.  Fact is, I am much lost with what is right, what is truth and what is the radical reality.  In my heart, only God knows.

Nonetheless, when the act is taken positively, it is about freedom and progression.   It frees on the true nature of our lives and our minds.  It is the letting go on attachment that previously has not worked and never worked.  It is about breathing new fresh air for advancement to take place.

At the end of the day, who is more right or more wrong?  The feeling of sorry is nothing without change.  Nothing stays forever and everything there is to life is subjected to change.  Change is constant.

When I choose peace, I want to be responsible for all my acts, my feelings, my thoughts and my words.  I want to take charge and hold them accountable.  I cannot be a good person when there is no goodness in me.  I cannot give when I have nothing.  I cannot pour from an empty cup.

When I choose peace, I have to be positive.  Peace and positivity go hand in hand.  I need to be sorry for the words that I said (to you) and what I did not.  I am sorry.  I want my role be forgiven for all the wrong selfish roles I have put myself in – to you and to me.  Please forgive me.  I love you.  Thank you.

Peace is the biggest gift life offers.  When I accept what I cannot change and practice forgiveness, I am creating a life that will be based on understanding, tolerance and unity.  It is a humane desire that heals division.  Peace is comprehensible yet it is intangible.

Peace is where there is no conflict mentally, emotionally and spiritually yet a feeling of tranquillity that fills in the mind, the heart and the spirit.  While a feeling of serenity and tranquillity can be felt after a long session of prayers yet the feeling comes and goes.  It is a fleeting feeling that has to stay much longer, or forever.

I have to live to look for something positive every day.  Positivity enhances my well being.  It changes the way I see the world and, hopefully, the way others shall see me.  A positive attitude scales up the state of happiness.  Where there is a positive mindset, it helps me to cope with any difficult situations and challenges more effectively. 

Living a positive life does not have to be something potentially big, so to please the world.  It does not be a grandeur act of love just to please everyone and everybody.  It is much more than accomplishing material wealth.  It is far more than to proof myself to be intellectually smart.

I have no right to tell others to change.  The only right thing to do is to respect and hold high regard on their choice.  I do not own them or they own me.  Instead, what I need is to be able to tell myself to learn how to live harmoniously.  Acceptance goes a long way.

Learning makes the difference to everyday living.  It is the greatest feat to life.  Lessons are everywhere and I have to seize the learning process by opening my eyes wide enough.  My eyes need to open more should my heart is blind.

Everyday, life is full of adventures.  In all these adventures, there are no mistakes.  There are no coincidences.  All things are divinely synchronized.  But, what there is is only valuable life lesson.  To live a good life is not to let yesterday take up too much of today.

When these adventures do not align with my expectations, it is not the exterior that has to change.  What is is inside of me.  I am accountable for all outcomes.  It is my responsibility and how I take charge will shape my life.   I am the painter of my life, I am the captain of my own ship and I write my own stories.

No one else can paint it for me.  No one else can steer my journey.  No one else can produce my life story well, right by me.  Nobody is out there until I find myself.

The ramification on my life has nothing to do with all the people around me.  They are there to help me to make the choice, the decision.   They are placed at that right time, right place so that I can reflect to achieve what shall be for my highest good.  My success and failure depend on the height of my awareness.

I need to know who I am.  What are my abilities, capabilities and strengths?   I need to know my idiosyncrasies, fears and weaknesses?  It shall be the acceptance on all of them to make me to endure through hard times and get up to move forward again. They are the impetus to place me where I am and, rightfully, where I should be.

When I learn to complain less, I will get to live a good life.  When I learn not to compare myself with others, I learn to live with peace.  When I learn to be grateful, I teach myself to be positive.  I can only be what God wants me to be when I live a peaceful life.

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