Where Good Life Begins

To know life is to love it.  Love conquers all.  Love heals.  When there is love, nothing is too much trouble.  Where there is love, there will be time.  With love, that is pure and unconditional, everything is possible.  Love multiplies compounded energies to become something beautiful.

Here’s the reality check, the hard truth!  It is when and where there is an absence of love that all kinds of excuses are created.  With not enough love within, without not much love to give or to share, lame reasons come into existence.  When and where there is no love, there is no motivation or lack thereof.  There will be thousands and one excuses.  Ironically, these excuses become good defence mechanisms.

Whether life is good and whether it is full of challenges, to love life gives it a better meaning.  Appreciation and gratitude reward itself.  They are not only the greatest of virtues but they are the parent of all others.  They are moral memory that create the webs of blessings and abundance.

As a being, I can never know life in its full meaning.  All that I can do is to live the given life and be the best version of myself.  All that I ought to do is to be humble, be good, be kind and, importantly, to live with an honest good heart.

I must live a life not to think that I know it all.  Every breath I take is about learning.  Every day I live is to be filled with valuable lessons.  Life is to teach me to be good.  I need to have the desire to learn, to partake in all meaningful activities.  I need to be proactive in order to appreciate growth.

Growth broadens my horizon and I should take its magnification to be the impetus to succeed.  However, I have to be mindful - there is a limit to human intellect.  Yes, undeniably, humans can learn anything but intellectual wisdom has its limit.  Should you and I know all and everything, we should have been god today.

To think that I have all the answers to all life’s questions is food to my ego.  I have to learn to listen and not to listen to talk.  Talk, for the sake of talking, is cheap and I should avoid making it any cheaper.  An empty vessel makes the most noise.  I should not talk the talk unless I can walk the walk.

In poverty, in richness, life matters.  But, what matter is not wealth or status or power or fame.  What is is how well I have loved and what role I have played in making life worthwhile.  I will not be able to bring the wealth, the status, the power or the fame the day I leave this world.  The day I leave, I leave with nothing.

While I live, I am certain that God wants me to serve my purpose.  It will be to my advantage should I find the meaning, the earlier and sooner the better.  The more I live life to the fullest and to complain less, I am making life right – the way it should be.  I am created for a purpose and let that purpose be a good one.

Arrogance has no place to make life right.  Instead, it is a negative damaging behaviour that blinds my higher purpose.  It creates tension and animosity within relationships.  Arrogance makes me to feel entitled to special treatment or privileges.  It makes me to forget all humans are created to be equal.

How do I want to live my life?  How can I make the best with everything that is handed at the palm of my hand to live a good meaningful life?

There is always a choice.  There is free will.

Do I consciously know what I want?  I have to make sure that I know.  I cannot, and should not, live by what others want me to be.  I have to live by what I want, by what is right for me.

Life embodies acceptance.  With acceptance, all things are good.  Good things come from letting go.  Life is to be lived with positive mindset, with confidence, with courage.  Life is living in kindness to each other, to everybody around me and, especially, to those who may seem alone.

It is okay that I am left behind.  There is a good reason to it.  It is okay when I am ahead.  There is a good reason to it too.  In living for clear conscience, everything is to happen.  There are no rules because everything is to happen for good reason.  It shall be the remorseful repenting realization, the guilty regretful awareness on the wrong doings that placed me right.

I am responsible for my own life.  It is important to know the responsibility and take charge of it.  No one is to blame for my shortfalls.  I am accountable for all my actions, for all my words, for all my thoughts, for all my feelings and for all the decisions I choose.

I live and must live a humble life.  I must be truthful to myself.  I must take responsibility for all my actions.  I must be good with my words.  I must be kind in my thoughts.  I must have good, honest, sincere intentions.  I must not blame others when life fails me.  All good deeds must be done right without anticipating for buckets of expected returns.

Why ‘must’?  A must is an obligation.  Obligation is responsibility.  These actions are necessary to be done right.  My soul is the light of God.  It is a course of action to which I am spiritually bound to.  It is the light connected to another, even how small mine is, and it is widespread.  I have the obligation to do my part to brighten the light to make life Life.

To know life, it is best to experience its lowest.  While it is good not to pray for it, it shall give an insight as a human.  Should it happen, there are reasons to it.  Should it happen, I pray for my awareness, my strength and my courage to make me a better person.  I must not let any negative mindset to destroy the purpose on my existence.

Experiencing the lowest ebb puts in place the big paradigm shift.  It is the lowest that I learn to climb, to work hard.  Working hard will bring me to find my strength, my courage.  It is at the lowest where ego surrenders.  When it surrenders, I get to learn to be humble.  Being humble is a great noble virtue.

It is experiencing the dark that I get to appreciate the importance of light.  It is facing with sadness that I learn empathy.  When I go through loneliness, I get to appreciate on the meaning of relationship.  In losing something precious, I would treasure what I have.

To know light is to know darkness.  To know love is to know hate.  To know success is to know failure.  Life is a duality.  Duality sets the momentum, the multitude of dimensions that heightens appreciation, awareness and gratitude.

What does life offer?  Good begets good.  Respect begets respect.  What is given out comes back, sometimes more, sometimes less.  It depends on the quality while doing it.  When I perform less, I get less.  When I perform more, I get more.  There is ripple effect to all things.

Life is a transcendental school.  I am placed here to learn, to become aware.  I am here to be a human, to understand the mind, the emotion, the spiritual and the physical.  I am to gain understanding on their consciousness.  I am here to internalize all experiences and make them right.  I am here as part to brighten the divine light.  I am here to love.

Life is to teach me to understand.  Life is not about winning.  It is not about failing.  When I am able to grasp the meaning, life becomes purposeful.  When I believe, life shows its meaning.  All I need to do is to love love, to love life.  All I need to give is not to take any experiences for granted.

Only when I get to experience the pains that I can truly appreciate the beauty.  I need to know.  I need to pray.  However, prayers alone are not the answer.  They are not the only saviour.  Should I do not have a good intent, a good heart and the pure mind, all these prayers for all good things can never happen.  It is the Law of Spirituality.

Patience needs good heart.  Love needs purity.  Mindset needs good purposeful intentions.  The divine light needs positive attitude.  It is in spirituality awareness that counts the most.  In the spirit of spirituality, a person becomes human – a good human.  This is where good life begins.

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