How To Clean Life To Get Beautiful Life

And it starts with awareness.  It begins with the want, the big dream, to live a good life.  It kicks off with the desire to understand how the mind works.  It is meaningful with finding the meaning.  It comes forth with knowing the purpose.  It unfolds with universal spirituality.

What is a good life?  Is life predestined?  Can I change the course of events?  Why do things have to be the way they are?  How do I determine what would be good for my being, for my soul?  At life’s end, where will I be?

Life should not be about a race.  Or, the color of the person.  Or, the religion.  Or, the education.  Or, the accomplishments.  Life is larger than all these.

The mind continuously wonders.  In good times, in bad times, the mind does not stop to think.  It is more active when the mind is at Beta and Alpha brainwaves.  It would be good should the mind remains at Theta wave.  The irony, with so much thinking, humans use about ten percent of the brain.  From there, eighty percent of it is filled with negativity. 

As is, humans think about 80,000 thoughts per minute.  Such a number is alarming.  Should I do not minimize the numbers, I am not doing justice to my mental health.   Should I continue to live blindly with all these thoughts, day in and day out, I would probably be a lost soul. 

 Is this what I want?

Question that I need to ask myself, do I need to think that much?  Must my intellect be challenged at all time?  Should I allow my consciousness to wonder at its whim?  What good do I contribute to my well being emotionally, mentally and spiritually?

I should live by my dominant thoughts.  I need to know them.  Not knowing will make me to live in a world of confusion.  Not knowing will drown and suffocate me.  Life can be a struggle when I do not.  Those unnecessary thoughts, as they are, unnecessary.

Dominant thoughts are crafty conscionable undertaking.  I have to be aware of them.  Importantly, they have to be right for me, by me.  They are to let my soul to grow to full potential.  They are invaluable values to get me to sleep peacefully at the end of the day.  Dominant thoughts must not be whimsical ideas to please others.

Dominant thoughts can be a cleaning tool to make things right.  The hardest truth, in all circumstances, there is no absolute right or entirely wrong thing.  It is the unique personal feelings of all individuals that differentiate the state of being.  When it is not guarded, it may end up as judgement and a toxic ideology to live by.

Everything is a state of mind.  What I think, I become.  The me that I see and what I think will become me.  When I think positive, I become positive.  I think negative, I become negative.  When I think of hate, I become hateful.  When I think of love, I become lovable.

Simply, life is synonymous to the Kinetic Law, i.e. when I apply a specific expression, it bounces back to me.  Being happy, for example, is not an achievement.  It is, plainly, a state of mind.  Sadly, being happy is associated with all the material comforts and their accomplishments. 

In reality, nothing is permanent.  What is is change.  My thoughts, my feelings, my physical sensations come and go.  Everything is temporary.  Therefore, it is good that I should not get attached to anything.  Attachment makes me stuck in life.  Detachment, on the other hand, let me to expand my consciousness.

I have to admit that I think I knew about human beings.  I have to admit that I think I knew about life.  BUT, the truth is, I knew nothing.  No one, including me, knows what the future holds.  It is on the willingness to learn that shall make me human.  It is the readiness to learn that shapes the better future.

God has given me me and I have to keep learning.  Faith is a choice.  I have to make good of what would be good for my well being.  I have to ensure I live my life to be what God wants me to be.  I have to find the purpose.  It is the way I think that determines the next step in life.  Therefore, I need to know the value of my thoughts.

Thinking is a natural process.  But, to think unnecessarily and to let the thoughts compounded without any attempt to curb them is not going to make me a happier person.  To pompously champion my intellect and to live by its ego will not make me happy.

Life is simple.  It is.  What makes it difficult is the way I think about it.  What makes it complicated is the ego that tells me I know everything.  There will be adverse repercussion to blindly follow the ego.  I have to tell myself that it is okay not to know it all.  It is not wise to spread things too thin and not knowing what are my limits and capabilities.

I have to find the way to live my life in clarity.  I have to live a life in the wisdom of the Divine.  I have to be flexible.  I have to be accepting.  I have to, more and more, let go and let God.  The more I judge, the more I struggle.  The more I form inconclusive opinion, I will not know who God is. 

Everything that is to happen is happening for good reason.  What goes around comes around.  Respect is earned and so is Love.  Kindness begets kindness.  I should stop complaining should I want to embrace change.

Should I want to know my life, I have to look what is around me.  They play out my thoughts.  They magnify the way I think.  They are what they are for me to see, to accept and to realize.  I have to ask myself do I like what I see?  Do I want to improve?  There are no accidents in life.  It takes awareness, and the courage to face them, to get to the beautiful life.

Do I want quality?  Is quantity important?

Life is a mirror.  Everything reflects what is within me.  All that is in front of me, around me, is mirroring my being.  What I see in others are who I am.  What I notice about others are what I am.  What I sense around me are the emotions of my emotional state.

When I witness a nasty individual, there is a nasty issue not resolved within me.  What I do not like in others is what I do not like about myself.  It is important that I reflect with what I see to what I am.  People around me are my best teacher.

The mess in my personal wardrobe mirrors the exact state of my emotional and mental minds.  The clutter in my room depicts the disarranged collections of my well being.  It is a matter to how much I would want to acknowledge the correlation, the metaphysical coincidences.  Should I not want to organize them right, it is the exact feeling that I am not willing to change.

Abundance and success come when I know the act of forgiveness.  They come, in buckets, when I know what is being kind, being good, being useful and being a blessing.  When I do not know all these, how can I get to live a good loving and peaceful life?  

Abundance and success are measured by the quality of consciousness.  My mindset has to be positive.  My lifestyle has to be optimistic.  My interaction has to be proactive.  Success sees the opportunity in every difficulty.  Only then that abundance comes in the unexpected hours.

Only then, may the blessings be.

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