Let Problems Become Opportunities
The Universe sees all things as golden opportunities. Everything she has, everything she offers, they are meant to make all lives better. Everybody deserves and nobody is left behind.
She, who walks with the Divine, continually showers all lives with fullness. Those who ask shall receive. Those who have less have asked for less.
It is my mind that consents to receive them to a greater or lesser extent. In purely spiritual matters, Divinity grants all desires. Divinity fills all wants. It is me who is not able to fully comprehend on the gift of receiving. The gift of receiving creates intimacy and expands consciousness.
I have to receive everything with faith, with love and with joy. Knowing it is an attitude. I should not be receiving with doubts. Doubts will sabotage the outcomes. Doubts stem from past negative experiences and they will not give the clarity on where I want to go next.
I have to choose. Do I want to flow with opportunity and take charge? Or, do I want to decline an opportunity that has great potential to change things around? I have to get my inner awareness to guide and work for me.
Like the Universe, I walk with Divinity too. We walk together to be together. I have to conspire with the Universe to be closer with the Divine. Everything is well and good. All humans are problem solving Beings.
It is important that I own the trait. It is important I receive everything, the good and not so good, as golden opportunities.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.