Remember To Remember
Whatever I do, I should not forget to be human. To be human, I need to show humane qualities - love, kindness, empathy or generosity. And honesty, integrity, courage, self awareness and wholeheartedness. To be human, I should have the ability to choose between right and wrong.
I need to treat others the way I like to be treated. I need to be nice to others for others to be nice to me. When respect is important to me, I have to respect others first. It is when I appreciate humans, I will be human.
Being human means I accept that I am not perfect. That, I will make mistakes. Making mistakes allows me to learn what I value, what I like, what I do not want and what I do not need. Mistakes are to make me a better human for they are learning opportunities.
To be human is to experience life in all its colours and all its potentials. But, while I am experiencing life, I must remember to remember that I need to be human. In whatever that I do, I should not neglect humanity.
How good I am as a human depends on how much compassion and sympathy I have in my heart for others. I must not let the roles I play in life make me to forget that I am a human.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.