Learn To Be Human First


Thank you to you, Shannon L Alder (an author).  This piece of your inspirational quote often rings in my ear.  Constantly and consciously, I have to remind myself to be a human.  I have to understand what being human is.  I have to live as a human first before all my earthly identities.  I need tolerance be a creed in life.

You said, 'Before you call yourself a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or any other theology, learn to be human first'.  

Yes, religion matters.  It grounds me to embrace what is good and bad.  It makes me how to think, what to think.  Importantly, your quote makes me to realize about being tolerant with other humans from different walks of lives.  It reminds me to be willing to accept differences, be it in characters or beliefs, among us.

Tolerance will bring relationships closer.  Humans have to live together, regardless of colours and most importantly, religion.  Why, in most cases, that religion divides among us?  Is this its main purpose?  I have to speak to myself with compassion, about love and peace, on the inside.  Only then that I will radiate them on the outside.

I have to be human first and all of my other identities come after.  I have to learn to love unconditionally, be nice and kind and have respect for myself and others.  I must not judge nor should I impose and taunt others.  I have to take responsibility, be more empathetic and learn to be compassionate.

When I learn not to put others down, for whatever reasons, the world shall be a better place.  Doing such, I learn to take accountability to appreciate life, humanity and the nature too.  Mother Earth needs positive outlook where it impacts every inhabitants to survive well.

All my earthly identities, including my religion, do not guarantee to make me a good human.  These identities have no feelings.  To be a good human, I need to feel and go beyond understanding.  To keep humanity survives as one is a choice.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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