Pride Will Fail Me
There is a thin line between greed verses need and want. A ‘need’ is something that is necessary and required for the function and betterment to one’s healthy life. In contrast, a ‘want’ is a wish for something to improve its quality.
Simply said, a need would include all the basic necessities. They are food, clothing, shelter and medical care. A want, in contrast, includes everything else (and probably more). It is natural human emotion longing for something more, be it from a need or from a want.
Greed, on the other hand, is an act of collective excessive hunger to have everything possible. When the hunger becomes a disordered desire, it may be the actual root of all evil.
In general, humans yearn for more. It is important to maintain a balance between a want and what is needed. When a want becomes a disordered desire, an alarm should be sounded. It is crucial to sit back, pause and to think deep about it.
It pins down on the state of awareness on one’s mind. Humans are, most likely, greedy because of the survival coping mechanism. Hence, rationalizing on the awareness for wanting more has to be observed. It needs to tag along with one’s understanding about contentment and gratitude.
Should I want more money, why do I truly want it for? Do I accept it as basic necessity? When I want a better life, why am I letting the old go? Why wanting something new important to me? What will I do with the ‘old’?
When I want something new, I have to stop doing something old. To keep repeating to do the same old thing will not make me to be a better person. To keep doing the same old things, over and over, can no longer be beneficial to my state of being in the new digital era.
When I have no desire to want something new, it is as good that my life is in stagnation. I dismiss and write off that I am surrounded with tangible and intangible abundance. With such ignorance, I am not experiencing life’s full potentials where I can be a catalyst to make a difference.
Life is constantly full of choices. My living days are to balance around them. When I want to improve on the quality of life, I need to make different choice. Wanting new things is about a restart to reset and refocus. It is to live in loving harmony with everything around me.
At the end of life, what really matters is not what I possessed but what I built. It is not what I owned but what was shared. The desire for self improvement is the key to positive lifestyle. In life, there are always new things, new creations. There are always new ideas to learn.
When I want something new, my soul is craving to deepen the understanding of the world. Only when I align myself to grow that I will know self worth. When I embrace the new things, where they help me to be a better human, they become my blessings.
Life evolves, it
has become richer. Mother Earth exists
in plentiful quantities today. She has
become far sophisticated, yet delicate but revolutionary. Her complexity forces humans to modernize
intellectually. What used to be the duality
mindset is now a huge multifaceted dimension. As humans, we need to decipher on its richness yet not to lose on our souls while moving with the changing to the new time.
In somewhat way, the Universe has become smaller but consciousness has widened vastly. The Universal consciousness encompasses many aspects to enrich on the quality of life. The old consciousness has disintegrated to give way to bigger vision on humanity and on the ways we live.
Every detail
there is in life is in the answer. When
I willingly participate, even how small the contribution is, the answer will
appear. Listen to the wind, it
talks. Listen to the silence, it
speaks. Listen to the heart, it knows. Every day is another chance to change my circumstances.
When I want to have new thing, I need to know what would not work and what does. I need to know what is good and what is not. I have to be mindful. At any point, I have to be in awareness as to why this something new is required. There has to be clarity with the intention. Fact is, different things bring out different sides of outcomes.
I will only learn when I am willing to let go. I will acquire new skill when I break away from the old unproductive habit. Having new thing is a proactive sign that I am capable of change and growth. I am living a life that matters.
However, all new things will fail when I acquire them with too much pride. Like greed, too much pride can cost me everything. With too much pride, I will not learn a thing. Too much of pride will blind my heart. This is what ego wants. Ego gives the false achievement that makes life arrogant.
I have to wisely handle my pride. I have to guard its emotion brewing inside me. Any sense of pride is afraid of failure and it wants to feel good, always. Feeling good makes the pride proud. Too much pride will hurt me most. It will not let me see the truth in life.
Wanting new things should not be about showing off. It must not be about status and social position. It should not be about comparison but a value for something purposeful. I have to be in awareness that these wants for new things are meant for lessons to fit myself in a new world.
I need to have high pure conscious intent wanting to own them. The intention has to be significant and meaningful. To know the true intention makes the wanting for new things worthy.
It is a new world I am living today. I have to evolve in this new time. Should I do not, I will never know what the next world holds. Where I came from, there was no internet, no social media platforms and there was no mobile phone.
Pager, Internet Explorer and Yahoo were not in the vocabulary yet. Today, technology has greatly stimulated the globalisation process. It has become an essential and modernized the teaching-learning environment.
The bridge between wanting new things and letting go the old is about trust. My faith needs to be tested. While I do not have to prove myself or to explain to anyone, I have to let life happen. I need to relax and have faith that things will work out.
I should contemplate less, complain less and stop over thinking. I should allow new things to increase the value on my life. When I used to guard the old things, now I must wisely guide my new wants.
When I want more new things, firstly, I need to know what is not good for me. It is important to know what works and what’s not. The desire to want new things must come with the right priority.
Setting priorities is important. It is a subtle way to find the courage to let go of what I cannot change. And, I will not change should I am stuck with the old things. I will not change when I am in my comfort zone holding on to the same old things.
Change is constant. A man who desires change wants to make a difference. He knows there is something new to learn from anything new. The only thing that can hurt him is his unconscionable pride, his own lavish expectations.
There is nothing wrong wanting new things. But, it is wrong when it becomes a lavish disordered want just to please the growing raising pride. When this pride has no limit, owning the new things become status possession. It becomes a show-off, an ego trip. Too much pride can cost a life.