Setting Up The Pace On A Grand Journey

It is not about the result.  Instead, it is how I get to the destination that counts.  It will be the cumulative effect on my awareness, determination, efforts, principles and the qualitative amount of love I put in that makes the vast difference landing at the grand journey.  A grand journey is the big walk where everything I do, I give, I participate becomes accountable.  It is a liable journey I have to endure with conscionable responsibility.

I am fully accountable and completely responsible for all my actions and reactions, my feelings, my thoughts and my words.  Taking responsibility is a fundamental aspect of being a human, of personal growth and maturity.  It involves acknowledging and owning all my mistakes, all my errors.  No one else is to be blamed.

The quality of life after the grand journey depends on how I have walked it.  It hinges on the overall experience from the way I control it.  It deals on my interactions with my mental mind, my emotional mind, my spiritual mind and my physical body.  Everything about it counts – my actions, my emotions, my thoughts and my words.

Everything shall be taken into consideration.  It is the way I breathe the air, how I admire the blue skies, what is there in the nature that I appreciate and how I deal with my soul when my body is sleeping.  How big is my heart?  How sincere is my smile?  How are my spoken and chosen words when communicating with others, with myself?  Do I make promise and give excuse to break it?  Do I give gratitude to every lessons learned?  Do I take things for granted?  When was the last time I prayed for Mother Earth, for my loved ones, for myself?

To live a good productive life is to flow easily and willingly with all opportunities that come right in front of me.  All things are to happen for GOOD reasons – this should be my mantra to live the good life.  It is wise that I avoid acting and reacting with unwanted feelings of uncertainty.

When opportunities are presented, I must not compound them with negative thoughts but to embrace them in good faith.  Trust is the glue of life.  Too much analysis leads to paralysis.  Analysis paralysis is to describe the feeling of being unable to make a decision due to over thinking a problem and continually searching for more solutions.  Not able to live in good faith is a trust issue.

I have to live a full life with no regrets.  There must not be lack of trust.  I have to live giving out kind words for their echoes are truly endless.  I should not contaminate life with suspicions.  Should I want to live a life as a man of God, with religion to guide me, then I must be free of superstitions.  Superstitions are not, and they are never, the language of God.

Suspicion takes away the joy and peace in life.  Superstition divides humanity.  These two acts are man made.  They are created for us to escape the reality on life's hard truth.  They are invented for us to cover up our inability to be the good humans.  Yet and sadly, we live to advocate and empower them.

When I want to live the good productive life, I need to ask whether am I approaching it with rational and objective mindsets?  Am I offering guidance from a nurturing or critical standpoint?  How are my learned beliefs and values shaping my perception of the situation?  I am, as a person, only a part of the big thing.  The difference would be that I need to know what I must do.  My eyes must see what my heart sees and not to diminish myself to thwart on the beauty of life.

Negativity is a trained mindset.  It is a defence mechanism in respond to trauma.  Generally, humans have some forms of past trauma.  It can be as simple as the unspoken anxiety, unaddressed fear, anger and irritability or shame, self-blame and guilt.  Emotional numbing and detachment are psychological concerns too.

Are my behaviours, my attitudes, my thoughts the replayed memories from past experiences that keep on going like a broken record?  Or, do I live in the moment with forward thinking?  Do I strive to make things easy and easier?  Or, do I let the past to hinder a good growth and slowing down a better life ahead?

When I continue to entertain these negativities that I fail my life to become better.  I have to live with greater awareness.  I need to know me, who and what am I?  It is good that I know what I must do to make a difference.  I have to know the meaning behind ‘to make things right’.  I have to adopt the mindset of ABC – ‘Awareness Before Change’ and not to live a blind life.

To live without a purpose, and blindly follow others, is easy.  Yes, to live without thinking too much makes the day to pass quickly.  It is said there is no need to rush for what is meant always arrived right on time.  However, which is for better or for worse?  Nonetheless, the last thing any humans want is to be sorry for what they didn’t do.

What is the way to a good meaningful life?  Every action has a consequence.  All actions have an equal and opposite reactions.  Is it good that I focus on myself first before I could think of others?  On an airplane, I am told to put my oxygen mask on first before helping others.  Can I do otherwise?

Should I not know what love is, can I love others?  A wise man says ‘light a lamp for yourself and it will brighten someone else’s path too’.  The theory of life is plain common sense.  In order for me to help others, I must be both willing and able to help people as much I am willing and helping myself too.

I have been given a mind to think and to use it wisely.  I have been given a heart to responsibly feel all kinds of emotions.  I have been given a spirit to be a human, no matter what I may look like.  It takes only a gram of love for life to evolve.  A warm smile changes all interactions.

People usually forget what others said.  They will forget what others did.  But, people will never forget how others made them feel.  I need to learn to agree to disagree and not to impose my views.

Old habits will not bring new results.  Negativity begets negativity.  Should I want a good life, I need to change my mindset to be positive.  But, before I can change it, I have to acknowledge the way my mind works.  I need to know it.  I must not say I am positive, when most times, I cast doubts in everything.  Ah, do I want to honour the irony within me?

Over thinking, in itself, is a negative behaviour.  So is when I am indulging to intellectualize myself far beyond my thinking capabilities.  Are things, in life, that complicated?  Or, is my mind making it hard for me to live a simple good life?  Do I need to analyze everything?

Should I am dominantly negative, I have to recognize it.  The more I deny and defend it, my life will not change.  It will not get any better.  There will be no precious moments to raise me up for all circumstances depend on the truth.

To have doubt is okay but it is important to have a higher state of awareness.  When I am aware on how I feel and think, I know what I need to do to make changes to succeed.  It is good so I will not take things for granted.  With awareness, less likely I get caught up in negative thought patterns.

I should live a life in good faith with standards of honesty, trust and sincerity.  In good faith, I have no reason to doubt.  Acting in good faith benefits my well being.  It brings me towards healthy interpersonal relationship with myself and the functioning with others too.

With that, may the blessings be!


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