What Is A Good Quality Life?
Is not when humans have learned that they grow? As they grow, do their lives thrive too? Do their lives flourish and evolve? Lessons, which are plentiful everywhere, should open the eyes to new pathways toward reaching life goals.
There are great benefits to live quality life with a list of life goals. Setting up goals helps with better directions. It triggers to draw healthy and focussed behaviours. It helps to sustain momentum in life. Goals lead to greater success and better performance in life. They improve mental health too.
Question here, have I set my life goals? How often do I set them? How often do I revisit and work to update them? Goals are lessons to connect life dots - they bring benefits and advantages in life, where I had not known about myself before. I have to believe in my goals because they are what I want for me, for myself and for the better ‘I’ in future. Goals teach me how to live and they promote a sense of self mastery.
Should every day is teaching me with good new thing, my life today has to be well informed. I should already be learned? No? Yes? But why, as life is supposedly progressing well, there are always more questions than answers? Is the mind constantly wired up with questions and not willingly accept with what comes, in good faith? Am I not satisfied with every lessons learned? Or, are there more to learn and, therefore, there is no end to satisfaction?
What is satisfaction? Can enough be enough? How to measure them? What are their qualities to life?
While there are always uncertainties in life, what would provide me with the assurance that I can be safe moving ahead? What would give me the Peace of ‘I’ to live with peace? Does enough emancipate the poverty and the rich-poor mentalities? Does it release the insecurity in satisfaction with the joy from fulfillment of wishes and expectations?
Maybe I have not made peace with myself enough? Maybe I am allowing the memories of the past replaying over and over where they constantly highlight the anxieties and of problems not solved? Maybe I am yet to be fully grateful for all the things I have? I should live to empower gratitude at every breath of life every single day.
Life goals change all these. Life goals make not enough, enough.
Setting goals is a process. It is a paradigm shift to experience the present and, unconsciously, erasing the constant replayed memories. It is dewdrop of wisdom that creates ripples beyond any understanding. Setting goals is a transformation from wandering in the darkness to being guided by the divine presence.
When I am unconsciously replaying the past memories, I will not be able to look within myself clearly. Memories usually cloud the clarity for events. They block off the mind from working through the potentials for better outcomes. Memories shape the belief systems, behaviours and attitudes which impacted the present and future actions.
As a human, often I forget that all beings are created in perfection. Every environment has its own perfect purpose too. Yes, all souls are perfect. Yes, all that is on this earth is perfect. What is not is the way humans think. What is not is the past memory of errors kept replaying. What is not is the greed that has consumed the ways of life. What is not is the Ego wants to be better than the Light of God.
Most past memories create psychological and emotional wounds. Such, they affect the ability for us, the humans, to form healthy connection within ourselves. Such, it leads to the failure to look within and be unsuccessful in exploring the best.
Truth is, when I fail to see what is within me, there will be no contentment and satisfaction with what I have in my hands. Nothing will be enough. But, what is within me that I need to see? Realistically, when I am able to explore what lies within me, I get to correct the past memory of errors.
Doing so, I am changing my outside world from within me. I am making things right by me, for myself and for the peace of ‘I’. Why should I live my life according to what is right for someone else? There is no one outside but what I created within myself. The outside world is the mirror of what is within me. The outside world stages what are in my thoughts and beliefs system.
Every environment, every situation has its own perfect purpose. Whenever there is struggling feeling inside me, the world will be full of struggles too. When I am at peace within me, the world – in my eyes, is a peaceful place to be. What happens inside me is reflected outside.
I do not have to seek quality outside of me when I can recognize it within me. Contentment is when I can fully accept that I make a life by what I have. Improvisation helps to empower me not to worry about what others think but by what I can do to make me worthy as a human. It is important that I build the parameter on my self worth for the self esteem to be happy.
What is a good quality life? Fact is, there is no right answer. The wrong answer is my replayed memory of errors of the past. Everything there is, is As Is. It is how I see it with good reconciliation to accept it and live by it. As a human, I cannot consciously know what is the natural divine rhythm and timing.
I cannot be certain should there be living humans today who could and would be intelligibly and consciously know! And, they are right all the time. May the blessings be upon them.
Where there is no more space for past memories to be constantly replayed, everything unfolds naturally. Life is a process to go home to the divine intelligence at all times. Life is to be lived without expectations, without judgements, without anger and hate. Quality life, at its best asks us to let these feelings go.
Quality life is living in the moment, right here right now. It is putting me in a time, in a place with the sacred path where I accept what is offered without needing to choose. I am living As Is, the way I was born. Whatever joy, excitement, thrill, sorrow, anger or despair I may encounter, I need to remember that I am created out from divine perfection.
Yesterday is history, it has gone and it has passed. Tomorrow is what I make today. I have to remember - today is a ‘Present’ that I must treasure and not to waste and let it slipped off my hands. Reality check : once is gone, it is forever gone!
I must live today with a divine knowing. I need to live my life without the word ‘maybe’ but with a ‘No’ or a ‘Yes’. When I am sitting on the fence, with a ‘maybe’, ‘probably’ or ‘whatever’, all things stay still. The divine intelligence gets stuck. It will not do anything till I know what I want. The Universe executes on these ‘wants’.
I must know what and why it is a ‘No’ or a ‘Yes’. It is the internalization within me that results in the opening of doors, of opportunities. With a ‘No’, a door of opportunities hinges to be at where life is supposed to be. It is a situation where undertakings are incomplete yet. With a ‘Yes’, a bigger door opens wide with the new opportunities.
How do I get to know, and live with, ‘No’ and ‘Yes’? Humans know, it is the replayed memory that makes us to say ‘I do not know’. Claiming not to know is an easy way out. It is much the same with saying the words ‘maybe - if - but’ because the memory of errors is afraid to force things back to the unpleasant past. Unknowingly, it is a standoffish behaviour to avoid confrontation, be it said-and-done with good intention.
The more past memory of errors erased, the divine intelligence in the heart knows better. When it knows better, the process toward quality transformation takes place. Nothing else matters. It is not my job to change someone. It is not my duty to judge ‘this is right’ or ‘this is wrong’. It is not for me to make sense, to justify, of man-made rules and regulations.
My responsibility is to the Peace of ‘I’. My obligation is to make sure there is peace within me. I am only answerable to myself while keeping harmony with the natural rhythm of the world. When there is clarity within me, I see beauty in all divine creations. I become what I think about. My world becomes what I internalized within.