
Setting Up The Pace On A Grand Journey

It is not about the result.  Instead, it is how I get to the destination that counts.  It will be the cumulative effect on my awareness, determination, efforts, principles and the qualitative amount of love I put in that makes the vast difference landing at the grand journey.  A grand journey is the big walk where everything I do, I give, I participate becomes accountable.  It is a liable journey I have to endure with conscionable responsibility. I am fully accountable and completely responsible for all my actions and reactions, my feelings, my thoughts and my words.  Taking responsibility is a fundamental aspect of being a human, of personal growth and maturity.  It involves acknowledging and owning all my mistakes, all my errors.  No one else is to be blamed. The quality of life after the grand journey depends on how I have walked it.  It hinges on the overall experience from the way I control it.  It deals on my interactions with my mental mind, my emotional mind, my spiritual mind

The New Breeds Of Humans

This entry is a dedication to one beautiful soul, in particular.   No, I am not going to talk about the individual - nor am I going to name few others, of the similar breed, whom I had met.  This entry is to highlight on their worldly existence.  From where I am, I should not dismiss their presence but to applaud their appearance. I like to share on the new breeds of humans.  No, I am not talking about the extra terrestrial lifeforms invading Mother Earth.  I am not talking about aliens.  I am not a science person.  I do not read much about UFOs nor do I have concrete ideas on them either. But, I want to dedicate this page about a special group of individuals.  They deserve to be talked about.  Their presence, as far as their impact on me, is important.  However, truth be told - I do not have enough knowledge to share about the breeds.  I do not have specific scientific details to describe them. I can never know on the full existence about life, why God creates such and such.  I can ne

How To Clean Life To Get Beautiful Life

And it starts with awareness.  It begins with the want, the big dream, to live a good life.  It kicks off with the desire to understand how the mind works.  It is meaningful with finding the meaning.  It comes forth with knowing the purpose.  It unfolds with universal spirituality. What is a good life?  Is life predestined?  Can I change the course of events?  Why do things have to be the way they are?  How do I determine what would be good for my being, for my soul?  At life’s end, where will I be? Life should not be about a race.  Or, the color of the person.  Or, the religion.  Or, the education.  Or, the accomplishments.  Life is larger than all these. The mind continuously wonders.  In good times, in bad times, the mind does not stop to think.  It is more active when the mind is at Beta and Alpha brainwaves.  It would be good should the mind remains at Theta wave.  The irony, with so much thinking, humans use about ten percent of the brain.  From there, eighty percent of it is fil

Where Good Life Begins

To know life is to love it.  Love conquers all.  Love heals.  When there is love, nothing is too much trouble.  Where there is love, there will be time.  With love, that is pure and unconditional, everything is possible.  Love multiplies compounded energies to become something beautiful. Here’s the reality check, the hard truth!  It is when and where there is an absence of love that all kinds of excuses are created.  With not enough love within, without not much love to give or to share, lame reasons come into existence.  When and where there is no love, there is no motivation or lack thereof.  There will be thousands and one excuses.  Ironically, these excuses become good defence mechanisms. Whether life is good and whether it is full of challenges, to love life gives it a better meaning.  Appreciation and gratitude reward itself.  They are not only the greatest of virtues but they are the parent of all others.  They are moral memory that create the webs of blessings and abundance. As

Choosing Peace : Why I Chose Peace

Life is a fixed variable but making choices is not.  Thing is, am I capable of making the right choice?  Am I wise enough?  How, when and why do I make the decision?  What would be the guiding consideration? It is said when a soul chooses peace, there will be sacrifices to undertake.  There shall be a trade in, of sort.  There will be something to lose or something to give up.  It is a choice where the soul does it for the sake of a better cause to move forward, to live a good earthly life and holding on with only love. When an individual chooses peace, there will be solitude.  There will be a state of being alone.  He will be far off from society.  Thing is, with peace and in the state of aloneness, his soul gets to engage in meaningful self reflection.   Self reflection enables one to move from just experiencing into understanding and empathy.  Historically, there are many great solitary stories told.  Life transformed greatly when a soul spent time alone.  Life celebrated divine int

The Story Of When


Do Nothing


Strive To Live The Good Peaceful Life

  Should I want to live a good peaceful life, I have to know what could stress me.  What would be the thing that triggers me to be in a specific state of well being.  It will be wise that I am aware of it, that I am conscious of the cause.  It will do me good when I recognize it, to live in harmony, with everything I experience and be accountable. When I strive to live the good life, I need to identify my values.  Identifying what is important helps me to invest my life with meaning.  It ensures high quality moving forward.  It builds the healthy state of well being.  Together, there will be a sense of fulfillment and life becomes much worth living. In the world of infinite abundance, what I seek shall be what I get.  With that, what would be crucial is on the way I think.  The way I manifest.  Life is all two parts – the light and the dark.  What separated the two is an invisible thin line. Hence, I need to watch my thoughts for they become things.   I become what I think about.  The

Everything Is Connected To Everything Else

I need to remind myself not to chase after Heaven, unrealistically, when my works on Earth are not done properly.  I have to make sure that my earthly duties are not neglected.  I need to perform them correctly and satisfactorily and I do them from a good heart. These earthly duties are my utmost responsibility for they are the yardsticks on my performance as a human, as a soul.   On the same principle,  I should never get too busy making a living that I forget to make a life.  How I spend my time on Earth is crucial.  It is what I do here that will determine my worth, my usefulness.  It is the sum total of my faith and my take on spirituality.  It has to be carried out with full consciousness in harmony with Heaven and Earth. Where there is a beginning, there is an end.  Death is not an ‘if’ but ‘when’.  How do I live?  Do I yearn for a beautiful ending at the end of my time on Earth?  Heaven rewards what I do with my life.  What I do today will be rewarded with the same. I have to be

Oh No! Which Side Am I At / In?

  Lately, I make myself to immerse with social media.  It is a change, big change on my lifestyle.   Reality check:   Should I want to keep myself abreast with technology, I need to be part of it.  I need to adapt, learn and continue to progress.   I need to grow with the changing time. That is how I engage in natural development.  In nature, nothing exists alone.  When I work together with the ever changing time, I create life.  Technology has its purpose and it has an effect on humanity.  Life is more beautiful when it is interconnected to everything else. Life needs support but it also gives.  Everything there is around me, around Life, affects life cycle.  That is how I, as a Be-ing, become relevant.  This is how Mother Earth gets to be more and more luxurious and elegantly beautiful.  Humans need Mother Earth, and likewise, to make Life richer with the highest meaning. I should not refrain myself from growth, from sophistication, from technology.  When I do not participate and be