The Clarity In Thought Process

Dear ONE,

As I sit meditatively to be in Your space, to reach to You, to be embraced by You and imbued with Your Divinity, I have tears rolling down.

Am I feeling You? Am I missing You?  Am I ... Yes, there's ton of questions.  And that's a mind problem.  

Very often, there will be questions.  It will be my intellect that will cloud any understanding.  Because intellect has its limit.  Too much analysis will paralyze me.  Clarity is essential to fuel for everything to happen.  

When a thought is as clear as the sky, it boomerangs the good things.  It opens the journey.  In an open sky, we see more things. In an open mind, Divinity gives clear inspirations.

With clarity, trust takes place.  It changes the world I live in.  It can change my own belief system about the nature of life, of people, of realty to something more positive.

Clarity is a secret to miracle.  Clarity is the wisdom and when I take responsibility to act it with my thoughts, my actions, my deeds, my words, my feelings .. all the very inspired divinity things begin to take place accordingly.

The question is, am I willing to do it?  Am I ready wanting to do it?

I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

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