Life In Motion
Life is constantly changing. Nothing stays the same. Nothing stays forever. Nothing lasts and nothing remains. Yes, everything there is in life changes, moments by moments. Everything transforms and evolves.
Yesterday when I was young, I could run the sprint. I had the energy of a bull. And as life moves on and so is time and the space, today I am moving slightly slower. Today, I make numerous stops to enjoy the breeze, smell the roses and taking to notice the nature more.
There is a new normal to everything today, all around the world. What shall be my psyche to understand to move forward with all these? Will I be able to embrace it and to let go in order to grow?
It is important that I stay flexible and adjust to changes. I should not be too rigid with my lifestyles. It is ok not to go strictly by the books as things may not happen the way I think they should happen. And so are with people who mean a lot to me that eventually cease to exist. I have to stop becoming attached but just flow with the flow of life.
I should not live with fixation on the past. Absolute attachment towards the past will not be healthy for my well being. There is only so much time in a lifetime, so why not that I choose only the best? I have to live to enjoy the gifts that every moment is to bring to me.
Nothing in this world is permanent. But the good values that add to my life are. It helps should I cut unnecessary drama in life and accept the harsh truth with grace. As a saying goes, 'Just when the caterpillar thought its world was over, it turned into a butterfly'. I have to live to be able to be grateful for everything.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.