You Are The Reason

To live by my soul is when I surrender my thinking mind.  It is the surrender of reason and reasoning.  The mind is where the ego is.  It is where complication becomes more complicated and simplicity gets ignored.  With no simplicity, there shall be no peace.

It is good to find a balance.  The mind must not rule all the time.  The mind does not have human emotions.  It does not know the functions of compassion, courage, empathy, friendship and relationship.  It exists on a selfish task to help me to survive, thinking it would make my existence easier.

When I quiet my mind, I open my heart.  I open for love.  It is important to slow down my busy mind to get in touch with my heart.  My mind is constantly busy chatting, always thinking.  The mind is like an electric fan with thoughts blowing everywhere.  When not in control, it scatters aimlessly without clear intentions, purpose or direction.

When I quiet my mind, my soul speaks.  While my mind can never be quiet, the objective is not to suppress thinking but to surpass it.  I have to let the emotions of my heart come alive.  When it is alive, my soul lives.  The Divine Flame brightens all the inner sparks of possibility, within me, into flames of achievements.

My soul is always trying to guide me.  But it fails as my mind is often too busy and too loud.  The more I let my mind to run my life, the more I am distancing myself with the best mate, that is my soul.

I have to take time to slow down and quiet the mind.  My soul is the reason that I am alive.  My soul is the reason why life has meaning.  The soul is the reason for finding purpose.  I have to find way to connect with my soul.  That is how I am meant to live.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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