Quiet The Mind
When a mind is constantly chattering, it is not peaceful. It is fretting on small stuffs. It is assuming. It jumps to conclusion easily and without facts. Living in the busy mind can lead to exhaustion, fatigue, chronic stress and likely depression.
Instead, it shall do me much good should I quiet my mind. A quiet mind is a healthy simple mind. It is good for the body. When I quiet my mind, the soul will speak. Answers that I seek become clear.
I have to find ways to clear my mind from thinking too much. It is important that I do that. Thinking, as is, is already a great burden. Clearing the mind is a good way to bring peace into my life even if I am not feeling particularly anxious.
While self talk is good, I have to be aware that I am doing just that. However, should my self talk is constantly filled with negativity and unwarranted beliefs, I am not doing a favour to my soul. Engaging in negative self talk is usually full of opinions and judgements rather than facts. It is self-righteous cry for attention.
Thinking is not a bad thing but too much of it is. It creates doubts and fears along with other unwanted thought patterns. Overthinking is a major cause of stress that creates tension and robs me of peace.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.