I Hear You
I always believe all humans are capable to hear the voices of angels. Or, even the voices of their departed ones. How these angels, or the departed spirits, are always wanting to communicate, all the time, for good purpose. How they want to pass on messages so that lives can be easier.
Angels are always around. They love humans and are ever so ready to help at any moment. They will not let their voices heard unless we are ready for it. It has to do with humans' free will - they wait for humans to ask for help.
The problem for not hearing their voices lies with the humans' minds. Should the mind does not want to hear it, out of fear or scepticism, the angelic voices shall not be heard.
Should the mind is too busy and not silenced enough, their voices cannot be heard too. Angels speak to those who want to hear them and those who silence their minds long enough to hear.
It is also important that I open my heart. When I quiet my mind and when my heart is open, messages are sent through any of my senses. They could be from how I feel, or I hear, or I see, or I smell or how I know it.
They could also be communicating when I am sleeping in my dreams. Or while in prayers. Or while in meditation.
It is always a good feeling to hear them. There is deep sense of love that envelopes the soul. Their messages are often to guide and teach important life lessons. Their vibrations wraps the mind and body in a state of peace.
To be in the wings of angels are hope and faith. For me who believe, their wings help me to fly. I shall pray wherever I go, whatever I do, may the angels watch over me.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.