Once I Didn't Know It Too
Everything there is in life is progressive. Everything develops, grows and increases. Whatever I have today started with a beginning, from zero. Once, in my life, I did not have what I have today. Once, in my life, I knew nothing.
Can I live to remember how things get started? In remembering, I learn to be appreciative and be grateful. Can I stay humble looking back at my beginning? What I am today is the ripple effect from my environment, from the people around me.
As my wings grow as I live on, I should learn to continue to uplift myself humbly. I should remember the process of my learning curve. How all the kind individuals have helped me. They show generosity, helpfulness and love. All these qualities have led me to where I am here today.
I am thankful to all these people who have guided me. As I think that I have learned, I have to remember not to forget the values. I should not be in such a hurry to condemn another because he or she does not do what I do. Or, he or she thinks as I think or as fast. I have to remember that there was a time when I did not know what I know today.
Humility will make a human great. Humility halts arrogance and self-indulging trap. I have to remember to stay humble. I must not forget my past. Humility begins with love for humanity.
I have to know that all humans grow differently, at different pace. Realizing that is the only way that makes me human.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.