Don't Give Up On Hope
As much as I want my life to be smooth sailing, I should not be alarmed that life can also throw difficult scenarios at me when I least expect it. It is the reality of living a life on Mother Earth.
Everything that exists has a purpose, or more. Everything there is to life is about teaching me with lessons.
To survive the journey in my life, it is good that I do not give up on hope. I have to turn everything that I am experiencing into positive. I have to accept that life has its ups and downs.
These are trials of life that I cannot avoid. They are designed to make me to be a better individual.
Having hope gives me the courage to think that things would get better with time. Hope is the only energy that keeps things moving forward. Hope gives the strength and ability to bounce life back from whatever obstacles.
To have hope is a want, something to wish for, to make life better. It helps me to stay focus to pass through a tough situation more bearable. Hope opens up the future that I envision.
With hope, I am moulding my mind to see on the bright side and to tell my mind to see challenges as opportunities.
I have to live with 'hoping for the best' always. Having hope links my past and present to the future. I am setting a vision for what I hope to take place, to materialize. Hope motivates me to take whatever steps I need to take.
Hope is the light in a dark tunnel. It gives me the spirit to move forward in life. The light will reveal the path ahead and ultimately leads me to my destination.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.