Thank You and Goodbye 2017. Hello and Blessings 2018.

I do not wish to let 2017 passed without saying something about it.

2017 had been such a catastrophic year!  God had designed it such.  It had to be a year to be forever remembered, respected and earning the courage to live on.

2017 was a year to expand my higher consciousness moving forward.  It opened a choice for me to grow.  The path for me to own. The path to accept and to live with what God had planned for me.

2017 was a year of deep great loss.  Yet it was also a year of blessing.  It is a year that was showing me the true definition on Duality.  The basic essence to the existence to Life - In its darkness, came the Light and in the Light, there was darkness.  

In my grief, there was contentedness for his spirit "will always be with" me.  In my emptiness, I was showered and surrounded with love from family and friends.  I learned to live.

Now that I am leaving 2017 and walk into 2018, I want to imprint it with gratitude.  The way I know best; through my prayers and acknowledgements. 

I am here today because of such great love from all of you.

It is important for you to know how much I appreciate the LOVE.  It is important for you to know, in no ways that I could repay all of your loving acts, thoughts and prayers.

Only God will bless you.  May there be peace beyond all understandings.

"Thank You" to everything - big and small.

"I am sorry" should I fail to reciprocate all the generosity and kindness.

"Please forgive me" for all my inadequacies.
"I love You" and you will always be in my heart.

All that I can do and all that I want to do is to offer my prayers.  Please accept them.  These are my prayers:

"That each one of us be filled with Divine Light,  Love,  Peace, Wisdom and Understanding.  That God makes manifest for us all with His Divine Light.  It is in this Light that we be safe. May we evolve where our peace and our blessings have no limitations.  May the blessings be!"

Happy 2018!

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