Do Something
It is always easier to talk about doing something. Often, I say something but never get to do it. Often, I will criticize on something and be a keyboard warrior but not taking the initiative to act. Do I make my talk that cheap?
To be a better human, either I stop talking for the sake of talking or I walk the talk. I have to show that I mean what I say by actively doing it myself. My soul will be proud of me should I practise what I preach.
Can I walk the talk? Can I do what I say I could do, or would do, and not just making empty promises? When I know what I am saying, I have to be proactive. I have to take the initiative, own it, and not just wait for things to happen.
The Universe works with the Law of Attractions and Vibrations. She feels me. The more she feels that I am only talking and not acting, I will not attract the things that I want. I have to prove to her that I put an action where my mouth is.
Talk without the support of action means nothing.
Kindness is not about words but about action. There is no credit in talking - I am what I do, not what I say I will do. It is better that I listen and watch my words should I not going to obey my words.
It is better that I learn to practice compassion with my eyes. Deeds are more precious.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.