Give Thanks

What will be of this world should I, and every beings, give gratitude constantly?  That I can give thanks to everything, whether tangible or intangible.  From benefitting the green earth to having awareness on worldly knowledge.  

From love to joy.  From the food I eat to the stove and to the people who prepare them.  From nothing to something.

Being thankful helps me to bond with life.  It lifts my spirit and leads me to have better relationship with everything around me.  It makes me happier.  It gives me heightened meaning to acknowledge the goodness in my life.  It makes me to appreciate at all kinds of creations.

When I give thanks, and be thankful even at the smallest thing, I tame my mind to connect to something larger.  I am teaching my life to embrace gratefulness, whether to other people, nature or a higher power.  I am instilling positive emotions to improve my well being, to deal with adversity and to build strong relationships.

I should cultivate the habit to give thanks automatically and continuously.  It shall be my way to appreciate what I have.  It will help me to refocus on what I have instead of what I don't.  The more I give thanks, I develop a deeper appreciation for something that will produce longer lasting positivity.

I thank all my days in my life.  From the day I learned to talk to this day where I am hungry for wisdom.  The good days are giving me happiness.  The bad days give me experience.  The worst days give me lessons and the best days give me memories.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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