Time Is The Essence
So I pray and keep on praying but what I prayed for is slow to materialize. Is there something that is not right? Is what I am asking for far too much? Do I have to do something bigger to have my prayers answered?
Desperation will leave me miserable. All acts of desperation make me hopeless. It will not make me happy. Yet I cling on to this hopeless sense. I should learn not to let desperate situations make me do desperate things.
Certainly all prayers are answered. It is how I interpret the answers to be. Very often it is my expectation that makes me not to see them clearly. Very often I am not seeing the truth when the truth is right in front of me.
God gives and He provides. Everything has a time for it. There are always reasons why I feel my prayers are not answered. The biggest reason is my attitude towards receiving. How much do I appreciate the little little things? Could I recognize the little things as the beginning of a milestone for something bigger?
Instead of thinking that my prayers are not answered, I have to think deep about what I am? Have I done enough good things that warrant better things? What have I done to provide to better humanity? Have I worked for what I ask for? PS, complaining does not count.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.