Where I Am

I have to honour how far I have come.  Be it good or bad, it is good that I accept the situation.  It is good to acknowledge all the efforts I have had put in.  Today has the power to change what I had done yesterday.  And, it has the power to shape my future too.  

Should I feel I fail yesterday, I can make it right today.  Should I feel I have made an accomplishment, it is good to try new things next.  What is important is to keep trying to gain new experiences so that I have new things to work towards.

Life is such where there are always new things to be learned and new skills to be had.  All it takes is going there and doing them.  I need to live to start where I am.  I need to use what I have and do what I can.

Where I am right now, here and now, allows me to reflect back on the past and project forward into the future.  It is a beautiful spot to act for something better.  Today has the power for me to choose what I want to do and do it well.  Choosing to live in the past or the future not only robs me of enjoyment today but it also robs me of truly living.

I have to tap into the power of living in the present moment.  Should I think about it, there really is no other moment I can live.  Now is all there is.  Life keeps going, it does not stop and I have to go with the flow.  

There is no escape but to be part of it.  The future is just another present moment to live when it arrives.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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