Moving On With Time
As I grow old, I have to accept it gracefully. Age is progressive. The older I am, there is a tendency my life gets much better and more rewarding. I should not be saying I am xx number of years young, when it should be 'I am xx years old'. To regress in its truth will not do my body any good.
My body cannot reverse the time but to move forward. Acknowledging I am getting old is about acceptance. With acceptance, my body embraces it and I should not succumb to be young when it is not. To make my body thinks it is young, and not getting old, will force it to go against the flow of nature.
Energetically, it is about staying in sync. Old is old. I cannot cheat my body and let it live not in tune with time. My body needs to know that I am proud of it and I should not insist it is still young perpetually. By not acknowledging it, I lack appreciation and awareness.
Staying coherent is important. Lying to my body that it is always young, or insist it is forever young, has ill effects. Metaphysically, it creates physical and emotional health problems.
When I engage in deceit, my body will not know how to be one with reality. Such, the body is made to be under pressure to catch up with age.
What needs to stay young is the mind, mindset and the spirit. To think young and feel young will help me to stay valid. It makes me to stay in the presence. Only when I am in the now that I shall live wisely.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.