The Balancing Act
There is a time for everything. A time to play and a time to work. A time to be serious and a time to be funny. A time to be silent and a time to speak. A time to keep and a time to let go. A time to love and a time to be indifferent.
There is always day and there is always night. There is the rain and the sunshine. There is the dawn and the dusk.
The course of human life is an interplay with choices. That is the free will to live by. Changes, from choices, are part of God's purpose for humanity. Life is not an artificial proportion to be confined within prescribed notions. Life is a gift to be celebrated and enjoyed.
But, life calls for balance. The options, with every alternatives, open up the possibility of simultaneously existing dimensions. At each option, embrace it with understanding. Grasp it kindly. Accept it with appreciation. Deal it with awareness. Welcome it with meaning.
There ought to be patience with the space and time for everything. Wisely, accord it with deep desire to make the ways of lives far better. Lifestyle balance has to be in line with the goal towards success and happiness. It does take a great deal of self awareness to achieve that.
There is no right or wrong way to accomplish things. The most important is to find the balance. Each step that I take, right or wrong, helps me to continue along the journey toward the path to a healthy soul.
As Rumi says 'Life is a balance between holding on and letting go. Everything in the Universe is balance. Every disappointment you face in life, will be balanced by something good for you. Keep going. Never give up'.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.