Let's Live
Let's be alive and let everyday be a good day for a good day. Let each one of us learn from each other. A selfish heart is an ever-consuming desert. No matter how much water it gets, it still wants more. Whereas, an unselfish heart is an ever-giving ocean. No matter how much water it draws, it still has plenty to give.
Be kind. Be good. Give love. Happiness grows when there is kindness, there is goodness and there is love. Happiness is always there. I just have to choose to see it. There is no point dwelling in the dark and ignoring the light of the stars.
The things I do for myself are gone when I am gone. But, the things I do for others can remain as loving memories. When I am thankful to be alive, I should be grateful that I have others that I can live with. When I can treasure life, it makes the world I live in a better place.
I am a part of the whole big thing. My true nationality is humankind and my only race is human. I have to empower those around me by offering a gentle word, a sincere smile, a listening ear and a shoulder to lean upon. My words to communicate must be words of encouragement and love.
Let's live and make lives meaningful. Being a human means to appreciate the shared humanity no matter who we are. Labels, status, achievements, success will not make me any better or less. They do not make me human.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.