Be Kind
To be kind takes a lot of effort. It takes both awareness and consciousness. It requires mindfulness and the understanding toward Love. It is an alignment process of a human with the soul, the very thing that breathes life for humanity sake.
Kindness begins with respect. It needs the kindness of the heart and actions. It needs me to watch my mouth, my words. The words of kindness heal the world. Just like the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes bitterness, hate, grudges, ill will to evaporate.
When I want compassion in my life, I have to give compassion. Kindness begets kindness. Being kind not only makes the world a better place but for humans to feel good too. What's more, it has a positive impact on myself as well.
Kindness is more important than wisdom. It is an act where it makes the deaf can hear and the blind can see. It transforms hurt and heals the pain. When I do not know about how others live and never in their shoes, I should not judge but be kind. Kindness in thinking creates meaningful insights.
I need to ask myself - have I been kind today? Have I put an effort to reach out, take someone's hand and make him or her happy? Have I said 'Thank You' to those who kindly wish me 'Good Morning'?
It will do me good to extend kindness without any thoughts of any rewards. Before I call myself a Buddhist, a Christian, a Hindu, a Jew, a Muslim or any other theology, I must learn to be human first. Before I chase after heaven, I must learn to be kind.
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.