Let The Light Within Be

When I cannot be kind to others, I cannot hurt them too.  I should not, intentionally, flame off their lights.  I hold no right to do that.  I should avoid thinking I am always good, much clever and perpetually wise.  By what measures do I think I have 'eaten more salt than they have of rice'?

When I think I am hurt, I need to learn to turn the pains into wisdom.  I need to heal the wounds without blaming others.  Instead, I should spend the time to look at the light within me.  

I have to own my actions, my feelings, my thoughts and take full responsibility of them.  What have I created within me to cause the pain, for me and for others?

While I am what I am, unique in my own ways, I am not special.  I am just an ordinary living human committed to clean my own perceptions, thoughts and tendencies.  Such, I cannot exert others.  Nor should I impose on them.

It is the love for the light within that lights humanity and the world.  It is the only light that gives the most beautiful experience humans can have.  This light is the fundamental flame which gives the passionate sense of social responsibility.  It is the light to bring peace to co-exist.

My sole duty is to take care of my light.  I need to take full charge that it keeps glowing.  It is the light to keep me safe.  With the light, I shall grow to my full potentials, the way the Divine wants it to be.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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