It Is In My Belief That My World Works

Life is simple but it is the data, memories and programs that are stored in it that make my life to be difficult.

This is the truth, one of the greatest truth.  My mind may not agree with it.  It is a thought for the higher consciousness.  It is beyond a human's understanding.  However, when I embrace it, it shall transcend my consciousness.

It shall be my reckoning to accept that life is difficult because I have lived it that way.  It has been shaped that way from the past conditioning.  However, it can change once I truly understand and accept that life can never be what it used to be.  Once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.

The health of my mental state dictates on the disposition.  When it is healthy and filled with awareness, I find good in every thing I do.  The good feelings spread to every where I go and in everything that surrounds me.

I must choose to see everything, include every other souls, in joyous and loving ways.

I live in a belief driven world.  Whatever I believe will work. It will get me through the day.  It frames my experience into perceptions that make higher sense to me.

It is not food (just to take an example) that is dangerous; it is what I think about it that is.

Everything begins with thought but the great healer of life is Love.

What I see in others is in me.  There is nothing out there. It is all in me.  Only when I am in zero, synchronicity happens.

I am sorry for whatever is going on in me that I experience this.

Dear ONE, I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

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