Another Beautiful Day

Dear ONE,

Thank you for always there for me.  As I continually clean to be closer to You, I am letting go of every expectations.

I get what I am looking for.  That's the way Life is.  With all my clear intention - without attachment, addiction, need or desperation, Your divine inspirations will lead me.

Cleaning leads my clear intention with answers. Cleaning requires faith. It requires trust.  It requires knowing that the intention will manifest but in its own time and place or that something even better will come along to replace it.

I get the 10 acres lot because I want the 10 acres lot.  This saying says it all when I clean.

The Divine will not abandon me when I faithfully reach out to the Divine's Hand.  What will is my ego demand.

Dear ONE, I am sorry and please forgive me for everything that I have been surrounding myself with. For everything that I have accumulated, created and accepted.

Let me be at zero.  Let me be in Your divine embrace.  Let me be in the gold band of Your kingdom.

Love is such a beautiful and amazing energy.  Yet it is often shy away.  It is often not spoken.  

And when it is said out, there's possibility of it being judged.  There is a possibility of associating it with fear of moving it into the unknown.

Love is an essence that when it is said, even in the phrase "I love you", the essence starts to merge back into the essence of Life itself.  It starts to merge back with the Divine and the devotion to the Divine.

It is, every time the phrase or the word is said, that a soul reaches the dawn of another day that is saved by the path of the night.

Love opens up so many possibilities for happiness.  Love opens doors for more joyful Life.

I love you, dear ONE.
I love you this beautiful Sunday.
I love you, yes, you.
I love you.

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