With A Bucket Of Peace And Love
Dear ONE,
I want to be in a bucket that is full of love. And, in peace within me. That everything about me shall be of peace and of love that are beyond all understanding.
I am the source of all my experiences. This source is being acted by me, directed by me and observed by me. I am in charge. Each role from where I am is either from my programs or from inspiration.
Programs are my beliefs. But, are they the data, the memories of the old conditioning?
The most powerful thing that I can do to change the world, MY world, is to change my own beliefs. I must commit to cleaning end more cleaning should I want to be in the Shangri-la of the Divine.
Cleaning takes commitment and I must know that the Divine is not an order taker.
My problems with others come from the memory. I am reacting to that memory and not the other persons.
I must break away from these thoughts from this memory. All thoughts are imbued with painful memories. I need to know this instead of running away from it or keep sweeping it under the carpet.
The Divine created me. There is His Love with a purpose. I have to take full responsibility to clean my programs so that I can be that purposeful Love and Light.
Dear ONE, please forgive me for all my errors. Please forgive me for all my experiences that are not Love.
I want to be at zero. I want to live my life to be a blessing.
But I need to know what that is. I need to acknowledge that there is the conscious mind and there is also the sub conscious mind.
That there is me, in my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical mind. Then, there is my Inner Child.
It is in clarity of each existence that aligns my BEing.
To be at zero, it is a place from where and from whom all blessings, wealth and peace flow. Zero is the purity of me and Divinity.
But when I don't take full responsibility and not to fix everything that I experience from the inside of me by connecting to the Divine, there will likely be little success in achieving it.
By cleaning and fixing everything, the Divine has a chance to come through me.
I need to understand that there's very possibility to be at zero. To be a blessing. But first, I must see every difficulty as a challenge, a stepping stone, and never be defeated by anything or anyone.
I must feel love. That's what lights my soul. No love and the soul fades. No love and there'll be tons of judgements.
No love, no me.