I Should Stop Complaining

Life's fulfillment finds constant contradictions in its path.  But those are necessary for the sake of its advance.

My life is my universe. I am the world of the world.  I have my own vocation and the talent is the call.  But there talent will not be beautiful aspiration should I continue not to empty the mind.  It is in the nothingness of the mind, the empty of the glass, that talent conspires with everything of divine inspiration.

It is in this state that a direction in which all space is open.  It is in this state that all of life faculties invite to the endless exertion.

Peace begins with me. Should I am waiting for someone else to get happy before I do, then I have missed the point.  Then I have not understood the concept of life.

I am like a ship in a river that runs against obstructions on every side.  These obstructions are my manifestation of my inner thoughts. My unshifted paradigm.

To change it, I must have the passion to tidy my programs.  To clean every of past cluttered thoughts.  To take charge of my words.  To own my deeds and actions.

I have to do all that immediately.  I have to do it with convictions. There are no exceptions.  There shall be no excuses.

Where I am now, compared to many that are not as privileged as yet, I should count the blessings.  I should continue to sweep serenely over a deepening channel into an infinite sea.

And, I should stop complaining!

I am sorry. Please forgive me.

Every other day, I make a request to the Divine.  It has nothing to do with a need. Nor it is an attachment or an addiction.  It is simply my reaching out to Divinity so that I can get into an experience.  It is simply a request as I gone to the lap of the Divine.

I tell myself, at the end of the day and at every dawn, to go into the process of creation in peace.  To be surrounded in the Peace of "I".

It is this request, from that moment onward, I can be a living soul to be filled with love and understanding that is beyond all understandings.  That I can be ready with an outstretched hand, uplifted and positive in every thoughts, words, deeds and actions.

I strive to be a spiritual being having a physical experience.

As a spiritual being, I shall not dwell on the past but be the freedom of the past.  I only need to use the past to illustrate a point.  And as when I clean it, nothing else really matters except what I do now in this instant of time.

Life as it has proven is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.  People come, people go. Thought comes, thought goes.

I shall not resist them. That only creates sorrow.

Let reality be reality.  I must not fight it.

Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

All that I need to do is ..

I love you.  I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

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