Life Is Too Huge

To be at freedom of the past, I must accept and acknowledge that all connections and links of the aka cord that connects and links me to people and places have to be detached first.

I have to release and erase all the past memories with these people and places and go back to the ONE source before any beautiful things manifest.

Right now, all I must do is look in the mirror and fall in love with myself. I must love what I see no matter what the rest of the world says.  Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion but does that matter?

Relationship through the aka cord is the most powerful tools for growth.  I must, therefore, look honestly at my relationships so that I can see how I have created my beliefs, my programs, my reality.

I who look outside, dream. I who look inside, awake.  This is what I have to know.  This is what I have to choose.

I need to know the difference between that. Until I know, I must continue to forgive myself for allowing my ego demand to cloud my judgement.

I am sorry, dear ONE.  Please forgive me for all that I have clouded Your inspiration through all my intentions.

I love You. I love the people. I love the places. I love myself.

I would be a great fool should I tell myself that I truly know all about me. Everything about me, about myself. All my likes and my dislikes.  What I love and what I don't.  Should I know, my life should have been something else.

I don't even know how much courage I have.  How many and how much the distance I can push myself.  How deep my life can be or has been.

All I know and all that I think I know has been arranging and re-arranging circumstances that come into my life.  This act does not equate that I know the full extent of my life. For that matter, the full bigger picture.

Life is so huge that there is no end to its abilities to discover and to make meaning. As there are no “absolutes,” or end point in the explorations and possibilities.

Can I really tell myself that I know 'me' then?

Every issues, beliefs, attitudes or assumptions are precisely the issues that stand between me and my relationship to my soul, to another souls.

Should I want to change myself, should I want to know myself a little more, I need to delete first. I need to create the empty space in order to put in the right information.

My soul is created with full of wealth yet I don't realize it because of all my beliefs, my clouded data and programs that cover it.

When I already not knowing my true self, I burden it further with worry and excuses.  I try this, I try that usually out of fear. Out of not knowing.

Dear ONE, I am sorry and please forgive me for not getting into the miracles of the moments and just be.

I love You. I love You. I love You.

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