The Repentance Prayer

I must love to sing the repentance prayer. I must embrace at the immensity of the words. I must become it. I must, yes! I must.

Every now and then I ought to feel me. To love me. To become the "I" of the higher purpose. To be useful. To be a blessing.

I must exude my peace. I must leave my leave to everything. I must give my leave to everything. This is not about world peace but my peace, the peace of "I".

I must let ONE be the reason for a beautiful life.  One that I am filled with wonderful opportunity. One that is constantly a divine inspiration.  One that I trust.

One that I shall promise not to divide in my soul of humanity. A soul that divides against itself cannot stand.

"I" am the common denominator. When my soul is divided, my life is divided. My purpose is divided.

Dear ONE, please please forgive me for all my errors in my thoughts, in my words, in my deeds and in my actions.  All these errors that I accumulate, accept and create. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry.

The day when my life ends is not an if but when. And when that day comes, my physical body may have become frail but let my mental and emotional spirits find the courage to face the truth. Let my spiritual body finds peace in the coming to home.

But while I am still here, I have to be in beautiful and wonderful reality. I have to make amends. I have to let go of whatever that is not me.

Importantly, I have to discover who am I.  Every moment of my life while I am still here is infinite creative and the Universe that the Divine has placed me in His creation is endlessly bountiful.

While I am still here, I must have faith. I must trust. I must believe something about the divinity.

While I am still here, my purpose is to re-discover myself, of who is really me.  I am not here to make money as the universe has already plenty of it for me.

I am here to be at zero. And to be at it, there must be more joy, laughter and love in my living.

When there are much joy, much laughs and much love, everything my heart desires must come to me.

That's the condition of the Peace of "I".  In that condition, I let go and I must let God.

While I am still here and the end is yet to come, I thank You for the breadth that very often I take it for granted.

I thank You for the love that I often overlook.

I love You. Thank You.

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