For Change To Happen

Should I desire a change, I must be that change before that change can take place.

Should I give to others expecting in return or making those who receive the generosity feel guilty and to be in debt to me, it is better that I do not give at all.

I will never be able to get love, acceptance and respect I am looking for should I act in that way.

Life and love are not for sale. They have to be earned.

I must take full responsibility and stop all the blame. I must accept this responsibility even with the people who enter my life and their problems.  Because their problems are my problems.

They are in my life and when I take full responsibility for my life, then I have to take full responsibility for what they are experiencing too.

Life may seem unfair. I may think that people owe me. I may see others as ungrateful and wrong.  Do I realize that all these beliefs keep me in a state of resentment and submerged in feelings of arrogance?

Dear ONE, on this beautiful Sunday, I am sorry and please forgive me for all .. for anything .. for everything .. that I have created, accumulated and accepted that is not love.  I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry.

Let me reach for your Divine's Hand and realize that what things I whatsoever desire, that when I am praying and cleaning, believe that I receive them and shall have them.

Let every waking moment be full of awareness. Of higher consciousness. Of better clarity and realization.

I must not lose time in conflict, nor lose time in doubt.  Time, afterall, is essential and precious. Time can never be recovered and when I miss am opportunity, it may take many lives before another comes my way again.

All the problems warped in time are never the problems. The problem is how I react to the problem.

I am here, in this lifetime in my creation, is to discover who I am and to free myself.  The divinity is always perfect and so is the universe that I am in.  

Therefore, all the situations that come up in my live are blessings in disguise.

I must re-member that and to member myself into the divine with gratitude. And to be in gratitude with the rest of the members of the divinity around me.

It is important to forgive myself for being the victim.  And, to forgive the memories that treated me unfairly so that my pains can go away.

When I stop punishing myself, when I let go of blame, shame and resentment, I can use the experience to free myself.

Oh my inner child, I am sorry and please forgive me for all the pains and burdens I have put upon you.

I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

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