Come And Home Alone
I come alone and I shall go home alone. In between that beginning and the end, I must discover who I am.
In between that moments, the Divine continually showers the fullness of Divine grace on me, in this Divine universe. But, it is me who consent to receive it to a greater or lesser extent.
And in between that moments, I must continue to keep growing. But, I must also keep cleaning and clearing so that the pureness of the Divine is my guiding light.
In between that moments, I must let my thoughts be of the most elevated nature I can imagine. I must keep thoughts of love, positivity, joy and optimism in my awareness.
In between that moments, I must have the desire to want to clean to hear the Divine's intention and not my ego's intention.
After all, doesn't the Divine know more than what I know?
In all spiritual matters, the Divine grants all desires. The more I ask, the more I clean and clear, the more opportunities will open.
Life is a wonderful thing.
Life is an awesome earthly experience.
Life is nothing to be afraid of.
Life is an illusion. I am not my thoughts. I am not my feelings. I am not my body.
I am a spark of Divinity. Within me, from the Divine's creation, I have all wisdom. All power. All strength. All understanding.
I must not let all of that to be drowned in my memories. My data. My programs. My beliefs. My earthly intellects.
Only when I let them come and let them go that the Divine spark exists. Else, it is just a struggle. The struggle that I create.
How soon will I realize that the only thing I don't have is the direct experience .. that there's nothing I need .. that I don't have?
Life has nothing to do with words. But to be in that experience.
I must allow the feeling of life, the Divine spark to surface in my body. In this physical body. In this emotional body. In this mental body and in this spiritual body.
I must allow it in my awareness.
I must allow it in my BEing.
I must welcome the experience of having it in my life.
I love you, dear me.
I am sorry, dear me.
Please forgive me, dear me.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!