Knowing The Limits
Love unites living beings. It embraces the totality of men and of the earth.
Love is who I must be. It is the essence of every cells and atoms in my physical body. It is who I am and I should not let anything otherwise to take over.
Love completes and fulfills, for it alone joins what is deepest in itself.
I must be conscious of this love energy. It must show from my way of talking, from all my actions and reactions including the tone of my voice, the facial movements and the body language.
I must not repeat errors from my thoughts, words, deeds and actions that I claim I have become conscious. That I claim I have become aware. That I claim I have cleaned them.
To keep repeating my errors only to show to myself that there are still so much that I have not taken full responsibility on myself. That I am still wanting to blame on others for all errors.
I must forgive myself. I must love myself. I must take care of myself.
These are actions that nobody else will do them for me but myself.
I must lead myself to surrender to the highest being. This lead me who will and drag me if I won't.
Dear ONE, I am sorry and please forgive me for anything and everything that I do, and think, that is not love. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry.
How do I want to learn? How much do I want to learn? And, how much is how much?
I may go on to find knowledge endlessly and yet not learning much. I may seek knowledge everywhere but when I do not allow any learned knowledge to expand, it is as good that I know nothing.
The spirit of wanting to learn belongs to the genius of life. But how much is how much?
All over the world and in all corners of the world that there'll be something to learn. The mind, however, will not be able to hold much when there is no commitment. When the purpose of learning is not realized. How much is how much?
The mind cannot understand because lessons have nothing to do with thinking. Life lessons must come from the 'aha!' realization from within. It is accompanied with accepting the truth but not in a way to deceive.
Indeed, life's fulfillment finds constant contradictions in its path. But those are necessary for the sake of its advance.
The reality of life must not include all the old memories, old beliefs, old data and programs. Nor it includes attachments, emotions and expectations.
I must come to a point, in the search for knowledge, know when to stop. When I can stop, I may start to treasure what I already have in my hands.
All over the world, I am surrounded with opportunities. But, do I not want to take charge what is good for me and trash what's not? Do I not know what the mind, my mind, can only process only a small fraction. Why do I need to stress that little bit of space? How much is how much?
Oh, my dear soul, I am sorry should I have over burdened you. I am sorry and please forgive me.