Peace Begins With Me

The beauty in surrendering, in giving all to the hand of the Divine, it opens up a heightened feeling of peace.

That, with all the intended efforts to strive to become better, to clean and erase, to recognize there's a Divine higher power .. that all is left for me to do is just ask.  And it shall be given.

All that I seek, I shall find.  All that knock, it shall be opened unto me.

This is a stage only when I can be in a straight line with the Divine.  That every realization, that every awareness is about making right, making good. That my breath is empowering positivity. That my thoughts, words, deeds and actions strive towards only good.

I pray for all things to be good. I clean for all things to be good.

I pray for all things to be of peace, of love. I clean for all things to be off peace, of love.

Peace begins with me and let all my days be imbued in the Pillar of the Peace of 'I'.  Let my words be words of truth, of love, of peace.

What is my well meaning and kindly intention? What do I set to do to set me free? That all that I intent shall be done?

I become what I think about. As I think, I be.

I must always nudge myself gently but surely. That I must begin the possible.  That I must begin with one step.

A seed grows well from a well intention pursuit. My life shall be well when I know where I want to go.  In that knowing, I must expand my awareness. I must not dismiss the consciousness.

I must work with my intention with love, without forcing things.  I must know, as a human who desires to grow, I still have a limit.  I cannot do more than I can.  If I try too much, I will do nothing.

Time will come.  Success will come.  But it is not up to me.  All that I must do is just to do, clean and erase.  That I must continually reach for Divinity's Hand.  That I trust. That I have faith.

No man shall fail when there's love with him.  No man is abandoned in problems.

A problem isn't a problem unless a man thinks it is. The problem is how the man reacts to there problem.

The reaction to problems is a repetition of memories. Problems are obstacles that I have encountered but that I have never resolved.

I must always remind myself to imbue myself in the pillar of the peace of 'I'.  It is here that I shall be home, truly.

I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

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